Chapter 13: Badges and Bets

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When Sierra got to the gym, she found Chase already in Lenora's secret basement battlefield/office. The staircase was open and their Pokemon were out.

"Wott, use Aqua Jet!" Chase had to come up with a new nickname, since Osha was no longer an Oshawott. Wott surrounded himself in water and shot towards Lenora's Watchog.

"Watchog, dodge and use Bite!"

Watchog sidestepped the Aqua Jet and bit down on Wott's leg. "Wott, use Water Gun!" Wott blasted his opponent in the face with water, causing Watchog to drop him. "Now, Razor Shell!" Wott grabbed his scallchops and slashed Watchog.

"Watchog, Confuse Ray!"

Watchog created a little ball of light that levitated around Wott's head, confusing him.

"Wott, snap out of it!"

"Now Watchog, Hyper Fang!"

Chase grimaced. He knew Hyper Fang could knock out Wott in one hit. If only he had a fighting type! "Wott! Brace yourself!"

Lenora's Watchog's fangs glowed red. He lunged at Chase's Pokemon with unbelievable speed and his jaw clamped down on Wott's head. When he let go, Wott fell to his knees, obviously badly damaged.

"Wott! Get up! You can take her!"

"Watchog, finish this with Hyper Fang!" Again, Watchog's fang's glowed red, and he lunged forward. "Wott, use the most powerful Water Gun you can!" Wott focused his power and blasted Watchog with an extremely powerful Water Gun, causing him to faint. "Woohoo! Great job Wott!"

Lenora turned to Sierra.

"Your turn."


"Flare, show her what you're made of!"

"Go Herdier!" The dog-like Pokemon appeared on the battlefield. "Now, Take Down!" Herdier ran towards Flare quickly, ready to smash into her.

"Flare meet him in the middle with Flame Charge!" Flare enveloped herself in flame and charged Herdier. They collided in the middle and there was a huge explosion of power, knocking both Pokemon back.

"Now Flare! Use Ember!" Flare snorted fire at Herdier, but it hardly did anything but tickle him. "Herdier, Reversal!" Herdier rammed into Flare in a flash of silver light, then flipped backwards before Flare could react. "Flare, use Ember again. Put all your power into it!" Flare paused for a moment, then let out a column of fire, knocking Herdier unconcious. "Yes! Flare learned Flamethrower!" Sierra was so happy!


A few minutes later, Chase and Sierra, plus two new badges, were leaving Nacrene and heading on to Castelia City. As they entered Pinwheel Forest, Sierra decided to make a bet with her PokePartner.

"Hey Chase. I bet I could get through the forest faster than you."

"Oh yeah? You're on."

"Winner gets first Castelia Cone and loser has to buy it. Ready? Go!"

They threw out their Pokemon and took off. Almost immediately, they both ran into a Pokemon. "Wott, Water Gun!"

"Flare, Flamethrower!"

Flare took out her opponent first hit. Sierra ran past Chase. "See you in Castelia!"

"Darn it." Chase muttered. "I should've remembered she had the advantage. Now I'm gonna be down ten bucks!"


Sierra continued blasting through the forest. She was knocking out Pokemon let and right. Soon, she saw the end of the forest. She looked back to see if Chase was behind her, but he was nowhere in sight. "He's probably still on his first battle." She thought, right before she ran into someone, knocking them both down. As she looked to see who was the victim of her tackle, Sierra saw an all to familiar pair of blue-green eyes staring back at her.

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