Chapter 33: Into the Dragon

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"Okay then. C'mon!" Brycen and the PokeChasers ran across the gym, climbed some stairs, and arrived outside the gym.

What they saw was chaos.

There was a huge group of storm clouds spiraling above the tower, flashing lightning that hit the tower.

There were giant cracks on the tower, and every time lightning flashed, the cracks would expand.

There were giant shapes circling the tower, and as the PokeChasers watched, they would fly at blazing speed and slam into each other. Every time they collided, a wave of purple energy burst through the clouds.

"What on earth is happening up there?" Brycen asked. He had never seen anything like this.

Chris gulped. "Well, I guess we should go find out," she said, and walked towards the tower.

"Are you sure about this?" Sierra asked her.

"Absolutely," Chris wore a look on her face that Sierra couldn't decipher.

As they walked into the tower, Sierra thought she saw a man in a brown coat watching them go in, but her attention quickly turned elsewhere.

Inside the tower, pillars had called over and the ground was covered in marble chunks. Every few seconds the tower would shake, and dust would rain down from the ceiling.

"I don't know what's going on here, but I have a feeling Team Plasma's behind it," Chase said, still taking in the chaos around him.

"Good guess," said a voice from behind the nearest pillar. The man stepped out from behind the pillar to reveal gray robes with a Team Plasma emblem on them.

"I've been sent here to stop you here," he said with a malicious smile on his face.

"Go Golurk."

He tossed out a Pokeball, and in a flash, a huge blue humanoid stood there.

It looked like a Roman soldier, but its armor was light blue. There was a gash in its breastplate, which was partially covered by a golden rod. The gash glowed with powerful energy.

"I got this one," Brycen told Chase. "You go and stop Plasma. I'll handle this grunt."

"Bold words. Let's see what you got old man."

"I hope you realize who you're talking to," Brycen said. "I'm the Icirrus City gym leader, and I don't take insults lightly.

He reached into his cloak and pulled out a Pokeball. "Go Cub!"

Brycen's loyal partner appeared next to his master, ready to rumble.

"Chase, take your friends and stop Plasma. I believe in you."

"Okay," Brycen's words filled Chase with pride. Brycen had been the closest thing to a father Chase had growing up.

"C'mon guys! Let's go stop Plasma once and for all!"


They ran to the next floor and found it in no better condition then the first. This floor, however, was being patrolled by three Plasma grunts.

"Hey, you!" one of them shouted. "You shouldn't be up here! Go Darmanitan!"

The other two threw out a Vanillish and a Liepard.

"Go Wott!"

"Go Flare!"

Chris just stood in the shadows.

"Wott, Aqua Jet!"

"Flare, Flamethrower!"

Wott surrounded itself with water and launched towards the Darmanitan. Flare did the same with fire and charged the Vanillish. Both attacks knocked out their mark.

"Wott, use Hydro Pump!"

Wott blasted the Liepard with water, finishing the dark type.

As the grunts retreated, the PokeChasers climbed the staircase to the next floor.


Meanwhile on the first floor, Brycen's Beartic finished off the grunt's Golurk.

As the grunt retreated, Brycen saw a man in a brown coat and brown fedora run up the stairs.

Then the tower shook, and Brycen ran outside to call for help. He knew Chase was strong, but even he couldn't handle what was coming.


As Chase, Sierra, and Chris ran upstairs to the third floor. What they found was a circular maze.

"Follow me," Chase said. "Brycen taught me the way through this when I was little."

Chase led them through the maze with ease, but the next floor was trouble.

As soon as the PokeChasers reached the top of the stairs, found themselves surrounded by Team Plasma.

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