Chapter 28: The Sky's The Limit!

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The next day, Chase was fully recovered and ready to battle.

"I don't understand why you insist on taking that with you." Sierra said.

Chase was putting the drained poison (which was in a jar) from the surgery. The doctors had 'graciously' given it to Chase when he left the hospital.

"It's a memoir of when I almost died." he shot back.

"So why would you want to remember when you almost died? Besides, it's gross." Chris asked.

"I'll never understand girls." Chase said with a sigh. "C'mon. I have a gym battle to attend to."


"What on earth?"

Upon entering the gym, Chris saw nothing but multicolored hoops hanging from the ceiling. Looking down, she saw cannons under the rings. "How do you get to the leader?"

"Like this!" Chase jumped into a cannon and was launched through the first hoop ad out of sight. They heard a second cannon blast from behind the wall.

Chris and Sierra looked at echo their and shrugged. Then they ran to the cannon.

Soon they reached the ring. Chase was already in a heated battle with Skyla, the sixth gym leader.

"Wott, use Aqua Jet!" he shouted to his faithful companion.

"Swanna, dodge and use Peck!"

Wott surrounded himself in water and shot toward Swanna. At the last second, Swanna took to the air and pecked Wott in the back of the neck, throwing him off balance and into a wall.

"Wott! Get up and use Water Gun!"

Wott picked himself up and shot a stream of water at Swanna. It didn't do much damage, but it knocked Swanna out of the sky.

"Quick! Use Razor Shell!"

Wott took his two shells off his legs and ran towards Swanna. The blades did a load of damage, and Swanna was grounded.


"My turn! Go Blitz!"

Sierra was battling with her black and white buddy.

"Go Swanna!"

After a quick healing job, Swanna was ready for battle.

"Blitz, start off with Tackle!"

"Swanna, Ice Beam!"

Blitz charged Swanna full force only to come to a sudden halt when Ice Beam froze him on the spot.


"Swanna, Aerial Ace!"

"Keep it cool Sierra," Sierra told herself. "I need a plan."

And just like that, she had one.

"Blitz, wait for Swanna to get close!"

Blitz stood still and braced himself for the hit. Swanna was getting closer and closer...

"What is she thinking?" Skyla thought out loud.

"Now!" Sierra shouted. "Thunderbolt!"

Blitz's mane glowed yellow and cackled with electricity. He shot a lightning blast right into Swanna's face. The flying-and-water type Pokemon crumpled to the floor. Blitz had won.


"Go Servine!"

"Go Swanna!"

The bird was back and ready for battle.

"Servine, use Leaf Tornado!"

A storm of leaves swirled around Servine before shooting towards Swanna. The storm shook up Swanna, but didn't do much else.

"Swanna, Peck."

Swanna swooped down and pecked Servine hard, doing lots of damage. Servine struggled to her feet.

"Servine, are you okay?" asked a worried Chris. Servine nodded.

"Okay, use Quick Attack!"

Servine shot forward towards Swanna, followed by a trail of white light. She hit Swanna hard, causing the Pokemon to flinch.

"Now, Leaf Storm up close!"

Yet again a whirlwind of leaves swirled around Servine and hit Swanna multiple times. This was too much for the poor Pokemon. For the third time in one day, Swanna was beaten.


"After being beaten three times in one day, I should consider retirement!" said Skyla jokingly.

"Anyway, here are your badges."

"Thanks!" said the PokeChasers in unison.

As they walked away for the gym, the PokeChasers heard distant explosions. As they rounded the corner, they saw columns of smoke rising from Celestial Tower.

"I bet you all my Pokemon that that's Team Plasma," said Chase.

"I'd agree," said Sierra. "C'mon, it's time to take out the trash!"

They started running towards the tower when suddenly a huge Pokemon landed in front of them with its eyes full of anger.

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