Getting to know Her

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(Mikey's P.O.V)
Donnie has been gone for one hour now, Raph's  doin' his own thing, Leo's training, while I'm waiting for my third brother, I wonder if he's okay, I asked Leo if we should look for him, but Leo told me that Donnie will be fine, he usually stays out long to make sure, he didn't miss anything, then I hear water rushing in from one of the pipes, then Donnie shoots out of the pipe and lands on his feet, then I see he's carrying Ash, I run over to them and say "Donnie, why's Ash here", then Raph and Leo walk in and Leo says "Donnie, why is she here", Donnie sets Ash down and says "She was outside, while I was on patrol and I saw a group of people following her, so I brought her here, so she can call April and they can head back to their apartment in their car", Leo nods and walks up to Ash says "You okay, Ash", she nods and says "Yeah, I'm fine just a little wet, but I'm fine, thanks to Donnie", Raph walks up and says "That's good, so what were you doing out anyways at night". She smiles and says "I usually go for a run at this time, I do at morning, noon, and night, makes you feel stronger, I like to run, I usually run 5k's and I'm also great at boxing, plus it helps me with my stress and I have a bit of an anger issue, but running and working out is how I get it under control or calm myself down, I also use to do tattoos, that also calms me down", I look at Raph and back at Ash and say "Hey, you sound great for Raph, he has a bit of an anger issue and he works out to calm himself down", then Raph hits me in the back of the head and says "Shut up, Mikey", Ash laughs and says "I don't just workout, I draw, read, or meditate to calm myself or get rid of my stress", now she sounds like Leo's type, but before I say anything, Leo says "Shut Up, Mikey", then Sensei says "Well, well, I see we have a guest", we all look at him and he walks up to Ash and says "Nice to see you again, Ash", Ash bows to Sensei and says "Same here, Sensei, I'm glad to see you, too". Once, April showed up to pick Ash up, they left, but me and my brothers followed them half way to make sure they made it, once we got home, I played on my drum set, Donnie stayed in his lab, Raph stayed on his own, so did Leo, I felt like our family was so separated that we may not come back together, me and my brothers barely do anything together anymore, but it seems whenever Ash is around, we all get to together, I can tell Raph likes her, so does Leo, and now I know Donnie does, too, but it's not just not my brothers who like her, I like her too, she just so beautiful, her blue eyes are so beautiful and they're so bright they could light up a room, her black hair suits her perfectly, her face is so beautiful, she doesn't need makeup, All four of us love everything about her, her beauty to her personality, she's perfect, but all four of us know, she may not feel the same way and why would she, but hope we hope she does. Does she like us that way or does she only like one of us like that?

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