Our Cute Sweetheart

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Today, I was listening to my music, jogging, then I stop to get a drink of water and I feel someone yank me into a alleyway, then my back is slammed against a wall, then I see four guys in front of me, the one holding me against the wall says "Well, look boys, we got a little cutie", then a second guy touches my cheek and says "So adorable, she's a beauty", then a third guy says "What are we going to do with her", the fourth guy says "How about we take her and make sure no one else gets her", then the first guy says "Yeah, sounds good, how about we start now", then I close my eyes and the second says "Aw, come sweetie, we wouldn't hurt you, well not that bad, it will..", he was cut off by a bang and I hear the third guy say "What the hell", then I hear more bangs and I feel the first guy's hands more off my arms, then I feel a gentle touch and a familiar voice says "Ash, Angel, you okay", I open my eyes and see Leo standing in front of me, I gasp and hug him, he hugs back and shush me, I start to cry. He rubs my back and says "Shh, shh, your okay, I promise", then Donnie says "It must have really spooked her", then Raph says "You think, you're suppose to be the genius of the team", then Mikey says "Quit Raph, Ash is scared, we have to make sure she's alright and not hurt", then Leo pulls away and looks down at me, he says "Ash, you okay", I nod and Raph says "Did those jerks hurt you, because if they hurt my rose, I will hurt them personally", I giggle and shake my head and say "I'm fine, Raph, thanks to you, boys", they all smile and nod, then Donnie says "Thank goodness, because if they did, Raph, I would join you" Mikey nods and says "Same here", Leo says "You can bet they'll have four angry mutant turtles after them". I laugh and say "My heroes", they smile and Raph says "How about we take you back to the lair", I smile and say "I appreciate it, but I want to finish my work out and I have to get ready for work", they and Mikey says "But, we're following you, even if it's for the whole day", I shake my head and say "Fine, but don't get caught, please", then Leo says "We're ninjas, we move in the shadows and no one can catch us, I promise", I nod and get back to my jog, then I hear a song play that I had never downloaded play on my phone, it was "Steal my girl" by One Direction, I look up at one of the buildings and see all four turtles watching me and they wave at me, I smile and giggle, then I make sure no ones watching and wave back. Once, I back to my shared apartment, the song that the turtles put on my phone was still playing, since Donnie put it on loop, but I really don't care, I really like it, I open the door to mine and April's apartment and see she's still not home, since she's at work, she won't get home, till late, I change into my work clothes, since I work at a diner which sucks, because I have to wear a small dress with small skirt, since Vern picks April up, I got my beautiful car that my parents got me for my 17th birthday, I grad my keys and lock the door and walk downstairs, then I get in my car and start it up, I turn on the radio and plug my phone up to it and play my music. Once, I reach the diner, I turn off my car and grad my phone and earbuds, then I walk to the back of the diner and clock in, I go back out to the front and start to take people's orders and give them the chef, then I finally get to go on my break, I go out to the back the diner and sit on a bench and listen to my music, then I feel someone tap my shoulder and I see Sam, he's one of my coworkers, he always tries to pick me up, but I say no, he smiles and says "Hey, Ash, I was wondering if you were freeing tonight", I roll my eyes and say "I'm so sorry, but I'm busy, I'm hanging with my boyfriend tonight, so yeah, sorry", he looks at me in shock, then says "Alright", then he walks back inside I look at him confused and say to myself "What is with guys, trying to hit on me", I just shrug it off and continue listening to my music. After, I got off, decide to go for a walk to the lair, I haven't seen the turtles, since I went to work, I'm starting to worry, I was half way to where I usually meet them and I feel like I'm being watched, then I was pulled into alley and I hear Sam say "Hey, Ash, where you going so late shouldn't you be at home", I glare at him and say "Let me go, you bastard", then he leans closer to me and whispers in my ear and says "And why would I do that", then I feel him grad the bottom of my shirt and he puts my arms above my head with one hand, while the other goes under my shirt, then he says "How about we have a little fun", then he rips my shirt off, literally and starts to kiss my neck, then he undoes my jeans with his free hand and undoes his, I start to freak out, then he says "Don't worry it will only hurt for a little while", then takes my pants off, along with my underwear and bra, then he whispers "Don't worry, you'll like a lot more, after this, okay, baby", then I close my eyes and I start to cry, then I hear Sam scream and a crash follow, afterwards, I open my eyes and see Mikey looking at me in concern, I hug him and he says "Shh, shh, Ash, Love, it's okay, I'm here, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you", I cry into his chest and he says "I got you, I got you, let's get you back to your apartment to get you some new clothes, okay", I nod and Mikey picks me up and carries me back to the apartment, how are the other boys going to react.

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