Something More than Friendship

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(Ash's P.O.V)
I can't believe it, I finally get to hang out with the turtles alone, Raph decided to carry me, so I could keep up, even though I could, I run every single day of my life, since I was 4, but I don't mind being carry, I actually like Raphael, but of course I like all four of them, then they jump into a man hole that lead to the sewers, we ride the waves of the water towards the lair. Once, we reach the lair, Raph puts me down, but I could tell he was hesitant, I walk over to Sensei and say "It's great to see you again", he nods and says "Same here, my dear, but i have something to tell my sons, can I speak with them alone for a little while", I nod and smile, then Master Splinter and the turtles leave the room to talk.

(Leo's P.O.V)
Usually when Sensei wants to talk to us, it usually, because we didn't listen or we did something bad, once we reach the training room, Sensei turns and looks at us, then he says "Now, I know you all care for Ash a lot and I want to tell you that, I'm going to rest for a little while, so it will just be you four and Ash, okay, so I don't want to find out that you all done something stupid and hurt her", I bend down to his height and say "Sensei, you have nothing to worry about, we'll make sure Ash alright and happy, I promise, we would never hurt her", my brothers in agreement, dad signs and says "Alright, but if anything does happen, you all will be sent to the Hashi again, alright", we all nod, Sensei nods and says "One more thing if you make her chose, don't not rush her and be her side no matter what that choice is", then me and my brothers blush and look down, then he laughs and leaves to rest.

(Splinter's P.O.V)
I know my sons have a crush on Ash, but I fear that if she does like them the same way, they will make her chose, who she wants to be with, I'll be fine with either of her choices, but I know if she does chose just one, the others will be heartbroken, so I hope that doesn't happen.

(Donnie's P.O.V)
I can't believe Sensei allowed us to hang with Ash, while he rests, but I'm really happy, I can show her all the stuff I have been working on, maybe we can get to know her more, she's such a mystery, but I really like that, because every mystery can be solved, she's so beautiful and so smart, she helps so much in my lab, I love that about her, she knows what's right, but she's sometimes afraid to correct my mistakes, but I love to be corrected, all the greatest things were created by mistakes.

(Raph's P.O.V)
I can't believe it, I get to hang with my cute little badass, she's everything I want, beautiful, never die attitude, rough around the edges, but still has a big heart, doesn't judges others, willing to sacrifice everything for the ones she cares for, she's keeps me calm when I'm pissed off, because of my brothers or some stupid reason, Mikey pissed me off one day when her and April were here and she calmed me down before I could hurt Mikey, every time I see her beautiful face or smile, I just feel at peace, she's my sunshine on my dark days, she means so much to me.

(Leo's P.O.V)
I'm so glad we get to spend time with Ash, all by ourselves, she's so adorable, she's calm and collective, she does the right thing no matter what, she cares about everything and everyone around her, I love sees her happy, her smile could make anyone weak at the knees, she's so adorable, her eyes can make every room she walks into so much brighter, her hair is beautiful and suits her perfectly, she loves a challenge, doesn't back down, always wants to make others happy, she like an angel, she so kind hearted, hates when people mess with the ones she loves or cares for.

(Mikey's P.O.V)
I can't wait to hang with the special girl, she's everything, I love, not afraid to look ridiculous, loves to have fun, likes to try new things, she's so beautiful, no she's gorgeous, from her outfits to her beautiful eyes, their the perfect shade of blue, not to dark, not to light, just perfect and she always will be perfect, I'm so glad we met her, her eyes could make a heart melt for 20 feet away, her smile is so brighter it could light up the whole room and chase all the shadows away, but what we all love about her is her big heart, she doesn't care what you look like or what you're past is, she'll show you all the kindness in the world if she thinks you need deserve it. She will always be perfect and we will always love her, we just hope she feels the same way.

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