My Heroes

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I walk out of my room and see Mikey sitting on the couch looking at his lap, then he says "I'm sorry, I wasn't there quick enough", I say "Mikey, it's okay, I'm fine, I promise, you saved me that's all that matters", I sit next to him and he takes my hand in his and says "I know, but what if I wasn't, you could have been seriously hurt and we wouldn't have known and I won't have..", I cut him off by kissing him, then I say "It's alright, I promise, my protective instincts would have kicked in and I would have kicked his ass, but I was a little scared from this morning, so I'm glad you did save me", he looks at me and smiles, then he kisses me and pulls me into his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck, and deepen the kiss, then I hear someone clear their thwart and see three very pissed off brothers, Mikey smiles and says "Someone jealous", then Leo says "You disappeared, so we came to see if you were here and I guess we were right", I get off of Mikey's lap and say "He actually took me here, because I was attack by one of my coworkers, who has a crush on me", then they stop glaring at Mikey and look at me in shock, then Donnie says "Really, what happen, are you hurt, who was it, me and Raph will go kick his ass". Then Mikey says "No need, I already did that", Leo walks up to me and says "But, still what happened", then the memory flashes in my mind and I whine and start to cry, then Leo hugged me and says "It's okay, don't cry, did it scare you that bad", I nod as I cry into his chest and hold onto him for dear life like, if he lets me go, I'll be taken away, then Mikey says "It was like this morning, but worse", I start to cry more at the memory and Leo holds me tighter and shush me, trying to calm me down, then the door to the apartment opens and April walks in, she notices me crying and says "What happened", then Donnie says "Something really bad happened and it really scared her", then April says "What", Leo signs and says "Mikey, can you tell her, somewhere private", then I hear Mikey and April leave. A couple minutes later, April and Mikey walk back in and see me and Leo sitting on the couch, me snuggled up against Leo and Raph trying to help him calm me down, April says "Here, let me see her", she sits beside us and takes me in her arms, then she shushes me and rubs my back and rubs my head, then she says "It's okay, Ash, you'll be alright", then Mikey says "How do you know what to do", April signs and says "Ash has nightmares sometimes and they can scare her really really bad, so I comfort her every time she has them", then she says "How about she lives with you guys, where you won't have to worry about her being attacked". After, a couple minutes of silence, Leo rubs my back and says "Ash, Angel, would you like to stay with us", I nod against April's shoulder and Leo says "Okay, Mikey, you and me will go pack her things, while Raph and Donnie, you two stay in here with the girls, okay", then I hear Mikey and Leo leave to my room. After, Leo and Mikey got all my things packed, April called Vern and they took my things out to my car as Donnie comfort me, then April and I left in my car or should I say April's car now, while the turtles jump across the rooftops, the drive was pretty quiet, until April said "So, how's the relationship with the four brothers going", I look at her and smile, then I say "Perfect, of course they get jealous of each other sometimes, but they get along well", then she says "I know this might be a little awkward, but have you yet with either of them", I look at her confused and say "Yeah, I kissed all four of them", she smiles and says "No, not that, more than kiss", I look at her confused again, then it hits me, I blush and say "No no no no, I haven't, the boys and I don't want to go too fast, you're weird, April", she laughs and says "Oh yeah, says the girl who's dating four giant mutant turtles", I glare at her and say "Their actually great kissers by the way, so yeah, I'm not weird, because I'm not the one who asking if I did or not with the turtles", she laughs and says "Do you want to", I blush a little and say "Well, I thought about it sometimes, but I never knew if I wanted to or not, I guess time will tell", she nods and continues to drive, I hope Donnie didn't hack into the radio or something and the boys heard that whole conversation.

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