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Merida's POV

I woke up to the smell of smoke. I sat up in my bed and looked out my window. My eyes grew wide when I saw the flames. People sceamed as they grabbed their children fleeing the small town. I also saw of people I've never seen before destroying everything. They took supiles and even horses. Tears filled my eyes and I started to cry. I wanted to help them and make the people I've never seen leave. Why would they do this to us? What did we do to them?

My bedroom door slammed open and I saw my mum standing in the doorway. I jumped off my bed and ran into her arms. She carried me and called for my dad. I could hear the panic in her voice as she called for him. For a second I thought he'd never show up. But then I saw him running down the corridor to us. He told us to get to the stables and take a horse to get as far away from here as possible.

So that's what we did. She ran to the stables with me clinging to her wide eyed. I could feel her heart racing just like mine was. Once we got there, she mounted her horse and it ran off into the distance away from my home. Pretty soon I couldnt tell what was the fire and what was my red hair blowing in front of my face. I wanted to ask if I'd ever see dad agin but I couldn't speak. My eyes felt heavy. I leaned against my Mum and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was lying down on the grass. "Mummy!" I yelled despreatly. She came up behind me and held me. She apologized for scaring me then told me about those men destroying my home. She said they were Vikings and that we should never trust them. "Dad is getting water. He found us while you were sleeping. I didnt want to wake you." Mum had said. I smiled that he was okay. But my Mum told me that many people were injured or dead.

That was it. That was the day I swore that if I ever saw a Viking they'd be sorry they ever came here.

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