||The Future||

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All she remembered was the flashing light. The sound of a snarky laugh. The burning trail that leads to her thighs. The tears that fell down to the mattress. The mattress that everything happened on.


Walking around the halls of Blue Mountain University with your head down can be tiring. Always basking in humiliation and regret can be tiring. The whispers get overwhelming, the eyes that keep staring. Yet these are things that I have to go through, struggle through, live through each and every day. I walked through the halls, trying to tune out the buzz of people talking about me. The whispers, the stares, the laughs, they all seem to be stuck with me even though I don't show it.





I tug harder on my sweater, trying not to show any skin. The moment you show skin you are noticed as a slut, someone who is open to having hands roam their body. Ever since that night, everything's changed. I'm disgusted with my own skin, for my body merely to be used for show, like I'm presented as a sex toy. I walk through the halls, flinching away from contact. Funny how people are so quick to judge when they know nothing about you.

I start heading towards my first class grabbing my things from my locker, pretending not to hear the rumors spread. I look up from the ground and my eyes connect with shimmering dark blue eyes. The guys next to him were a part of A.C.P fraternity which Connor was the leader. I look back down hoping that he didn't notice me. I lift up my hoodie covering more than half of my face. I walk towards my classroom, then realizing that the boys are standing in front of the door.

"Hey Laia, how are you?" Satan said himself. I could see his smirk even though I'm not looking at him. I slowly look up, meeting his light blue eyes in the middle of the of the hallway. His finger traces the side of my face, his nails biting into my skin. I flinch away, thinking back to that day. That day when those fingers roamed against my skin. His smirk grows noticing that I flinched. From the corner of my eyes, I see the others standing near us, probably with their phones out.

"Is she really talking to him again? What a freaking slut. She's so desperate." I hear a random girl whisper not so quiet to her friends. My face turns red and Connor's grin grows, clearly hearing her as well.

"I-I um c-c-" Not able to process any words I stutter out a ramble of letters. Connor apparently finds my fear funny as he starts laughing making me turn even redder. Everyone follows him, causing the whole hallway burst in laughter while I'm hoping I could somehow disappear. I slowly start to walk towards the door that leads into the classroom. Connor grabbed my arm and my mind grew hazy.


"Stop...please stop!" Tears ran down my cheeks and my thighs were hurting so much.

"Shush just enjoy it." His voice was haunting me.


"Don't touch me!" I screeched and my breathing grew irregular.

"Just leave her alone Connor." A deep voice said. I looked up to see who said that and it was the guy who had shimmering dark blue eyes.

"Now you're sticking up for the slut Colton?" Connor glared at Colton.

"It's not gonna be my fault if she gets a panic attack or hyperventilates and they call you down." Colton shrugged and then Connor's hand detached from my sweater. He leaned down close to my ear making the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

"Don't think we are done yet Laia." Connor's voice dropped and that's when I ran into the classroom. There was no one in the classroom which gave me the time to catch my breath and process everything that happened.

Don't think we are done yet Laia. That was a threat. Not a warning, it was a threat. I was terrified of him before because he could do anything and get away with it. I had to witness it firsthand.

The classroom doors opened up and Colton and Connor came into the classroom.


This story is dedicated to those who went through this pain and didn't have anyone to go through. People make assumptions and don't know the whole story. Just know that there is always someone who is also going through what your going through. Accept what happened and move on stronger. You did not lose you. You are still the same you and no one could change that but you. 

- Class 701

The Truth UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora