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I didn't want to look up. I was too scared that it was going to be him

"Are you crying?" I recognized his voice. It was the person who was next to Connor and was insulting him, Colton. I looked up and then realized that he could see the dried up tears so I quickly hid my face and took out my headphones.

"No, why would I be crying?" I tried not to stutter and I seemed to relax a bit. But just for a bit. Colton was still friends with Connor and Connor can't be trusted, neither can his friends.

"Because you're scared." I tensed up even more. How did he know? What is he going to do now that he knows I'm scared? I don't want this to be another Connor incident.


I was shaking beyond normal and I couldn't stop. I was scared. Connor was on top of me leaning down to bite my neck leaving marks. He claimed that I was his and that the marks will just prove to everyone that I am his. I screamed and cried but Connor placed his hand over my mouth and pressed down with almost all his strength and I shook my head. 

"You'll be quiet now," Connor said in a mocking tone not even asking me but demanding me. I nodded because the pain was unbearable.

"Is it because of me that you're so scared?" There was a crazed glint in his eyes while he traced my whole entire body. He knew that I was scared of him and he loved every second of it.

"You're scared because of me." 


"Laia breathe. In and out slowly." There was a voice but it sounded far. I wanted to listen to the voice, I really did. But it was too far away. I felt something on my shoulder and some more words until I started to slowly calm down. I flinched away from Colton's hand and he quickly took back his hand. 

"I'm sorry. I just saw that you were having a panic attack and wanted to help. I should've known that touching your shoulder is off limits." Colton was scratching the back of his head and looking downwards. This is a setup. It has to be. Colton has a reputation to uphold, if he is caught talking to me then it will go down the drain. Or they may just think that he is trying to get into my pants. Colton sat beside me but gave me my space and he looked at my sketchbook. His eyes widened and I automatically wanted to get up and leave.

"You're amazing at drawing Laia." Colton picked up my sketchbook and analyzed that one sketch. The sketch with the half-broken girl. He placed the book beside my face and frowned. 

"Connor did this to you didn't he?" My eyes widen.

"He...he...he did....he did what?" I look at Colton and fear overwhelms me.

"He broke you," Colton said softly. "He sent the whole fraternity the photos. It was sick, I'm sorry." I put my head in my hands. 

"What else do you know?" I had to know everything that Connor lied about.

"He said that you guys were friends until one night you guys were hanging out in your dorm and you came onto him. But when he sent the pictures you were crying and had marks all over you. You looked like you were in pain. I questioned him but he swore that you came onto him." He paused and took a breath shaking his head. "He lied, didn't he? You didn't come onto him did you?" 

"Did you believe him?" I didn't want to answer him. Not yet at least.

"I'm his closest friend. We grew up together so yes I did believe him for some time." He then looked at me and then focused his gaze forwards.

"Your right. I didn't come onto him. I thought we were going to hang out and then Connor is pulling me closer to him kissing me, telling me that it wasn't going to hurt. That everything was fine." I started to tear up. "It wasn't fine. Nothing was fine or okay about it." I stopped myself before I could say anything else. Colton noticed this and looked at me his eyes soft.

"You can continue. I'll listen." His voice was soft and gentle. I was about to burst and tell him every single detail but I still have to be cautious. He is still friends with Connor and my story won't change that. They are practically brothers.

"Are you going to tell Connor?" I said sternly which was surprising and Colton frowned.

"I mean he seems like a good punching bag right now." A smile crept its way onto my face and Colton smiled brightly. "No Laia. I'm not going to tell Connor." And so I told Colton. Maybe it was because it felt good to let everything go. To tell your story to someone who will hopefully care and to not feel restrained is a lovely thing.

"It started when I was in my dorm room and I got a text from Connor asking if it was okay if we hung out. I said that it was fine and we hung out in my dorm room. Everything was normal until he was inching towards me and I questioned him. He whispered in my ear and asked if I liked him. I said no because he was just a close friend to me. He got mad and gripped my wrists together. It hurt so I told him to cut it out and he just got angrier. He kissed me and left me with bruises. He pinned me down on the bed and was slowly taking off my clothes making sure to say....to say the most horrendous things." I continued to tell Colton everything that happened and it was scary to put everything out in the open. It's scary to believe that I had to go through that. That anyone has or had to go through that.

"He would always make sure that I was crying or shaking that I felt worthless. He wanted me to be broken and he loved it when I feared him. And I remember when he took off my pants he said that I asked for it. That throughout everything I always wanted it. I wanted him." I looked at Colton and shook my head. "I didn't want anything."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Colton handed me a tissue which I gratefully took and wiped my eyes.

"I tried and tried but they always put the blame on me. It's always easier to put the blame on someone who is a nobody. They always asked what I was wearing. Like clothing is an open invitation for sex. It isn't. They would ask how I was looking at him or if I was standing or saying things in a provocative way. It shouldn't matter because I never said yes. I was screaming out no and to stop but....but...he never did." I sobbed into my hands and I felt something hover over my shoulder until it went away. "He continued multiple times. The flashing light scared me. Everyone has a photo of me naked Colton. Everyone thinks I'm a slut. That I'm the person who wants to make Connor look bad. That I was asking for it. Please. Please believe me." I looked into Colton's eyes and he was taken back. Overwhelmed with everything that I threw at him. Minutes passed and he didn't say anything. I knew it. Who would want to believe me? No one, especially someone like Colton. I quickly grabbed my sketchbook and got up to leave. 

"I believe you Laia." Those 4 words made me stop. I heard footsteps coming closer and I looked behind me. 

"I believe that Connor raped you. I believe that you didn't go onto him that night. I believe everything that you just said." Those words lifted a huge weight from my shoulders.

"My little sister went through something similar but it went too far." Colton's eyes were watery but he shook his head and his eyes just turned hard. I wanted to know what happened to his little sister but I had to be respectful.

"You wanna know don't you?" My eyes widened but I couldn't lie.

"Yeah, I do. But you don't have to tell me. Whenever you're ready I'll be here to listen." Colton nodded and was going to put his hand on my shoulder but drew back.

"You...you can put your hand on my shoulder if you want." I was happy that he was cautious because most guys even girls would just place their hands all over me. Colton put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me straight in the eye.

" You shouldn't have gone through that. Any of that. No one should. I'm not gonna let Connor go through with this. He could do the same thing to a bunch of other girls." Colton sounded determined but I was scared. 

"Just trust me." I was going to try but we all know how me trusting someone ended up to. 

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