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I looked at the other door leading to the way out of the classroom and I needed to get out of this classroom. I was going to break down and I didn't need Connor filming me and then sending it to everyone in the whole school.

"Don't even think about leaving." Connor leaned against a desk with his hand holding his weight and Colton rolled his eyes and was walking towards me. I slouched and closed my eyes, hoping that he could suddenly disappear from my sight. I open my eyes to see Connor staring at me. 

"Laia, we should talk like we used to do. I don't understand why you're avoiding me." I stare at him baffled. I didn't understand how stupid he can be. 

"Are you just acting stupid or are you actually stupid. You know exactly what you did even after everything I told you. This is my fault for actually thinking that someone actually cares about me. I actually thought that for the first time, I don't have to keep up my walls and actually talk to someone."  Tears welled in my eyes and for a moment I was going to cry in front of him. The only time I've cried in front of him was that night.


My left hand was turning purple and it felt numb. I felt numb. There were fingers going through my hair and he was tugging my hair. 

"You are so beautiful." He fingers caressed my cheek and my shoulders shook with fear.

"W-why are you d-doing this?" I couldn't help but stutter out of fear. It's terrifying seeing him like this. We were supposed to hang out and hanging out does not include unwanted touching.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are theirs?" Connor cupped my face and tears kept falling while I shook my head.

"Well, you're mine now."  He smirked and then his lips bashed onto mine. 


I look back up and look into Connor's eyes. His face showed surprise and maybe even a little guilt? For the first time since I've met him, he was finally speechless. He looks away, turning to the window making his eyes greener. His eyes flashed with regret but as fast as it appears, it disappears. His eyes become hard and when he turns back, there's amusement hinted in them. 

"Remember what I said that night?" I shook my head since he did say a lot of things that horrendous night. 

"About you being mine?" I was shaking at this point flashbacks violently attacking every part of my body. Connor walked closer and closer to me until he leaned down. 

"You're still mine and will forever be mine." He whispered and traced my jawline. Tears escaped my eyes since it reminded me so much of that night. It's terrifying having to remember that night every single day of your whole entire life. I struggled and tried to push him away until Connor got ahold of my wrists.

"Don't defy me Laia. You know how much that didn't go well last time." Connor grunted and gritted his teeth. That's when I stopped, Connor is capable of doing anything he wants and he could get away with it. 

"Connor." A booming voice interrupted Connor from going any further. Connor made a tsk sound and then dropped my wrists. 

"Your no fun Colton you know that?" Connor glared at Colton and it seemed to be that there was some type of feud between them.

"Well, I'm sorry that I don't go around sexually harassing and assaulting girls." Colton had on a non-bothered face while Connor looked enraged.

"Well, you haven't said anything to anyone." Connor challenged Colton and smirked knowing that Colton probably wouldn't say anything. I mean no one has. 

"Yet Connor. I haven't said anything yet. You of all people should know how your parents would look at you. They already think poorly of you." That seemed to ignite a fire inside of Connor. 

I knew that his family wasn't the best but I thought that he was at least favored by his parents. Connor slammed the table and I jumped back towards the door. When Connor was angry, then you should leave as soon as you can. I started to open the classroom door but then the professor walked in with students following in behind.  Everyone got into their seats and the classroom seemed to all look at me with hate and pity in their eyes.

"Are you going to sit down Laia? Class started." The professor who was an angry old man looked at me. I nodded and made my way to my seat and sat down. My seat was in the back corner and Colton was next to me. He looked at me for a second before shaking his head and then paid attention to the professor. Why did he shake his head? Is he another person who is ashamed of me? Has pity for me? I mean he is Connor's best friend, they can't be much different. I couldn't pay attention in class earning me snide remarks from classmates and I couldn't handle it anymore. I got up and everyone turned around, every single person's eyes were on me. The one that stood out was the predatory light blue eyes that were glinting with amusement.  I rushed out of the classroom so that I could get my head on and my thoughts cleared up.

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