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I don't know where I'm going. I just knew that I had to get away from him. It was sickening being in the same room with him and not thinking about what he did to me. The worst part is that he's treating it as if nothing happened. I wander into the library where I find a girl that looks around a year older, sitting and reading. She was sitting alone, isolated. I grab a book and sit on the seat next to her. As I sit down, she flinches and scoots away. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She turns to me in awe. 

"Do you want anything from me? I don't know what else to give" She asks sounding tired. I nod my head, confused. 

"No? I don't need anything. I just want to talk to you. You seem nice." 

"Really? People only talk to me when they wanna make fun of me or call me names." She replies in a quiet voice. 

"Well, I know that all too well and I hate that as well. I'm Laia." I show my hand waiting for her to shake it. She stares at it, almost seemingly scared of it. She takes her left hand and cautiously shakes it.

"I'm Zoey." She replies. I smile, pleased that there is someone who is actually talking to me and not about me. 

"Wait aren't you Zoey Walter? You're supposed to be the most popular girl in school. That's what I heard." I ask remembering hearing her name before everything happened. 

"Oh. I guess I changed. Things change and People change. Advice: don't trust people. The only thing they would do is betray you." Zoey says, tears forming in her eyes. 

"I know Zoey, truly I do. I was a fool trusting someone that already had a different reputation than me. If you don't mind, I would like to know what happened." I ask wondering if we went through the same thing. Zoey hesitates. 

"You don't have to, I'm just curious."

"No, it's fine. More than half of the school already knows." She sighs, putting her book aside.  "Well, first of all, do you know a Connor Pierson?" I nod, my spine stiffening. 

"Well, we dated last year for around 5 months." I nod, putting my book next to me. 

"Well, we were the ideal couple. Everyone wanted us together. I was in his house when he got a phone call from Colton. He had to go the fraternity because of an emergency. Mind you, his brother was the only one home not including us. I already met his brother and everything so that was fine. Connor left and I was in their living room studying. Connor's bother, Sebastian, came downstairs. He saw that I was alone so he sat next to me." She took a breather and then continued. 

"I didn't react in any way because I didn't think he was going to do anything bad. We sat there in silence when he asked if I wanted to go upstairs. He brought me to his room and locked the door. We both sat down on his bed and literally just talked. Around 30 minutes later, Sebastian was barely a few inches away from me. And please believe me on this, I didn't want him to be like that. Conner was always god to me. Sebastian then took off his shirt. I told him that I didn't want Connor to think that I'm doing anything behind his back so I tried to leave. Sebastian trapped me with his arms around my waist. He pushed me onto the bed and took off my shirt and pants. And you know- he took my innocence." Zoey took a tissue out of her bag and wiped her eyes. 

"I tried to tell Connor the next day but he didn't believe me. He said that his brother wouldn't do that and I'm being a bitch accusing Sebastian of doing that. He left me in front of everyone and the worst part is, I still like Connor." My eyes widen at the confession.

"Stop. Zoey, you deserve so much better than him. Any guy would be lucky to have you, Zoey, believe me." 

"I know. I hate myself for still liking him." Zoey admits crying her heart out. I lean forward and hug her, trying to transfer my strength to her. The bell soon rings and Zoey and I head out. 

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