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There are days when you could be the best version of yourself. You feel like life is great, it couldn't be any better. 

There's the sun wanting to spread warmness too everyone down below. People take advantage of the sun, using it and not treating well. That's when the clouds come out and overwhelm the sun. The clouds cover the sun and all the warmth that it once gave. Then the next time you look up at the sky you can't see the sun. 

It's being hidden, concealed from the outside world. The only way that you can see the sun is if you make an effort. If you truly make an effort than you could twinkle of the rays that were once there. But people pass it by, forget that the sun exists. They get so used to the clouds that they just adapt it into their everyday lives. Then soon the sun follows and disappears blending in with everything around it. 

The moon shows at night, dull and never as bright as the sun. Hidden behind the suns rays and greatness. But what people don't see is the potential of the dullness. How much the dullness could affect you, you may love the dullness or hate it. You have to come to terms that not everyone is going to accept you. You need to be able to know when you can let someone's words affect you. You need to stand out, don't be dull and blend in with the starry night. Because you have all the stars to accept you and support you. They twinkle for the moon to not be alone.

The sun and moon are similar, however. They both feel lonely and unloved. A lot of people can relate to the sun and the moon, just know that you will have people, the stars if you relate to the moon and the people who don't just walk past you if you relate to the sun.


Don't feel like you are alone in whatever you are facing. There are people who have and are going through the same things. You are never alone and you will never be alone. You matter even though you may not feel that way. We can never say that things will get easier because they won't but you will get through it. Don't struggle with it alone when you could have support. Down below are some phone numbers that you can call for various issues being discussed in this book:

Here are some phone numbers that you can call if you deal with or know someone who deals with depression:

1-800-662-HELP (4357)

1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

1-800-273-TALK (8255)


Here are some phone numbers and websites that you can call or go on if you have dealt with or know someone who has dealt with sexual assault or sexual harassment:

 800.656.HOPE (4673)


Here are some websites that you can call if you deal with or know someone who deals with bullying:


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