Chapter one

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Being the youngest in the academy wasn't easy. But (y/n) was not alone. There was this boy, Pavel Chekov. There was a bit of competition between the two of them as they were two of the brightest in the academy. Annoyingly, he was better than her, marginally. Okay, quite a lot. But she didn't care. He was cute, so she let him off. (Y/n) had a few friends, Uhura was your closest. And then there was Jim and Leonard. They were like older brothers, always trying to look out for her or tease her. Jim was always trying to give (y/n) boy advice but Uhura encouraged her not to listen to him. (Y/n) remembered her last night in the academy, celebrating getting in to Star Fleet and laughing about how Spock thought Jim had cheated during the Kobayashi Maru test.

"What is wrong with that guy? Just because I passed his stupid test." Moaned Jim for the hundredth time that night. 

Uhura just rolled her eyes. 

"So, (y/n), how is Chekov?" Jim asked smirking.

She just blushed. 

"Jim, leave her." Said Bones. 

"Yeah, she doesn't need your advice." Uhura got up to leave. "I'm going. See you back in our dorm (y/n)."

"What is wrong with my advice? It is brilliant!" Exclaimed Kirk after she had left. 

"If it's so good, why are you still single?"she asked sassily.

Kirk opened his mouth to speak but then stopped. (Y/n) smirked at him. 

"At least I've slept with someone." He finally said.  "Anyway, you, off to bed. It's late."

"You're not my mother." She moaned but got up anyway. It was getting late. 

(Y/n) needed all the sleep you could get. Nothing could have prepared any of them for what was about to happen.

When the call for help came from Vulcan, she didn't expect to be on the Enterprise, sat next to HIM. Well, this was her chance to get to know him. 

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