Chapter five

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Kirk took command of the Enterprise and Spock returned soon after. Chekov quickly began to devise a plan to get them close to the Narada without the Enterprise being seen. When he had finished explaining, McCoy turned to him 

"Wait a minute kid. How old are you?"

"Seventeen, sir" he replied proudly. 

"Oh good, he's seventeen!" 

Kirk looked at him for a moment and then to (y/n).

"What do you think?" He questioned her. 

"It'll work. Trust us." 

Spock and Scotty agreed. The plan was put into motion and Spock and Kirk both agreed to beam onto the Narada. 

Chekov lightly tapped (y/n) on the shoulder.

"It will work, won't it?" He asked timidly. 

"Of course." She replied, trying to sound confident. Honestly, she had no idea. Theoretically it should but it had never been tried before. Praying they were right, (y/n) listened to Kirk's commands before wishing him luck. 

They arrived at Saturn's system and Kirk and Spock boarded the ship. Chekov gave her a high five before hugging her. They'd done it! Sulu unfortunately broke them apart and reminded them they had a job to do. She beamed at Chekov  before turning to watch Kirk fight off a Romulan.

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