Chapter two

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Chekov broadcasted a message around the ship about what was about to happen. There was a lightening storm in Vulcan's upper atmosphere and planet wide seismic activity. They were to assist with the evacuation and monitor the activity. Suddenly, Kirk came charging onto to the deck. His hands had swelled up. (Y/n) had to hold back a laugh. Leonard came running in after him and got him with an injection. The swelling began to go down.

"Do you know him?" Chekhov asked. 

"Oh. Erm... yeah." (Y/n) replied after taking a minute to realise he was talking to her.  Be cool. Don't mess this up. 

"It's a trap! The Kelvin experienced the same thing before it was attacked!" Kirk said. Pike was sceptical at first but Uhura confirmed that the attackers were Romulan. The ship came out of warp to find that they were surrounded by the debris of the seven other Star Fleet ships sent before them. (Y/n) looked around in horror. All those people she once knew. Gone. But they had to carry on. 

Out of no where, the Romulans began to attack. The sickbay was destroyed and the shields were reduced to 32%. (Y/n) pushed the thought of Leonard out of her mind and tried to stay strong. She wasn't going to let this be her only mission. Nero hailed the Enterprise and asked for Pike to come aboard. 

"Anyone a trained hand-to-hand combat officer?" Pike asked after Nero had gone. Sulu volunteered and Kirk and Spock went off with Pike.

Spock was made captain and Kirk first officer. Thankfully McCoy was safe and hadn't been killed, however, chief medical officer Dr. Puri was killed. 

"Good luck Jim." (Y/n) said anxiously as he was about  to do an orbital sky dive and disable the drill. 

Everyone let out a breath of relief as Sulu and Kirk managed to land on the drill. Olsen wasn't so lucky and hit the beam. He was the one with the explosives. Great!  

Just as (y/n) was about to tell them how to disable the drill without explosives,  Romulans began to attack them. Sulu nearly fell but only just managed to stop himself. 

"Captain! They are releasing red matter into the core of Vulcan." Chekov ran over to Spock. "I believe the Romulans are trying to create a black hole."

"How long does the planet have?"


Spock nodded and ran to the transporter.

Suddenly the drill moved causing Sulu to slip. Kirk attempted to save him but lost his parachute. The Enterprise couldn't lock onto a moving target so they couldn't beam them up.

"I can do zat!" Cried Chekov, jumping up and startling everyone around him. (Y/n) stared after him as he ran out of the room and prayed he could save them before it was too late. 

Thankfully he did. But only just. (Y/n) let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Spock beamed down to Vulcan to evacuate the high council. Several were killed by falling rocks but he managed to get a few out. As they were being beamed up, a ledge collapsed and one of them fell. However, there was nothing that could be done. The planet was about to blow. They had to go. (Y/n) turned to see Chekov walk back on deck looking deflated and ashamed. Before she could ask what was wrong, Vulcan exploded, horror on everyone's faces. That's when everything that had happened finally hit them. 

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