Chapter eight

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(Y/n) sighed heavily as she collapsed on her bed. It had been a tough week. Kirk had been relieved of command and Pike was now captain again. Which wasn't really a bad thing but Kirk was the best captain. It was nice to be back on Earth, even if it was only for a short time. She was close to falling asleep when there was a loud banging on her door. Groaning, (y/n) stood up and shuffled over to the door. 

"Pavel?" She said yawning.  "It's late. What's wrong?" 

"There was a bombing earlier on today at Section 31 and now there has been another attack at the emergency meeting at Starfleet Headquarters. Captain Pike was killed. Haven't you heard?" He cried quickly. 

"No. But Jim was at that meeting! I hope he's alright." She replied. She couldn't remember there ever being an attack like this before on Starfleet. Whatever had happened sounded quite serious. 

"Are you okay?" Would you like me to stay tonight?" Chekov asked shyly. 

(Y/n) nodded slightly. "Thank you." 

She threw her pillows and quilt on the floor before grabbing the spare blankets  from a cupboard. Chekov sat down next to her and wrapped the blankets around them. 

"You're a great friend Pavel."

"Thank you." He said smiling. "Anything for you." 

Just as they were about to settle down for the night.(y/n)'s phone buzzed. 

Jim: Hey. Sure u know what's happened. I'm ok. We are leaving in a day straight after Pike's  funeral.

The next morning, Chekov read the message on his PADD out to her as she tidied her room.

"I'm going to start packing. See you later." He said as he left.

*next day* 

Chekov opened her door.

"Ready?" He asked. They grabbed there bags and darted down to Enterprise. They unpacked their things before hurrying to the bridge. Kirk wanted to leave as soon as possible. He gave a small brief before giving the crew their commands. (Y/n) looked at him concerned. He seemed tired and not like his usual self. She gave him a small smile and mouthed 'are you okay' when he caught her looking. Kirk gave a little nod then got up to go down to see Scotty in the engine rooms. 

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