Chapter nine

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"Chekov!" Kirk shouted as he came back onto the bridge. The Russian looked up at the captain. 

"Yes captain?" 

Kirk came up to him and spoke quietly. He patted Chekov's shoulder and left. All (y/n) heard was something about Scotty resigning and Chekov putting on a red shirt. She slipped her hand into his. He looked terrified. 

"Hey, you'll be fine. I believe in you." She whispered quietly. 

"Thanks." He smiled uneasily. He got up and headed down to the Engine Rooms. His replacement came and sat next to (y/n). 

Slowly, the Enterprise pulled out of the dock and went into warp. (Y/n) felt uneasy about this. The Klingons hated Star Fleet. This was a suicide mission. Suddenly, the ship jolted sharply, causing crew members to be thrown to the floor. (Y/n) quickly got up and looked around.

"Captain, we have come out of warp." Sulu said. 

"Chekov what's going on?" Kirk asked.

The distressed sound of Chekov's voice came through the intercom. 

"There is a fault with the warp drive. It's over heating. I had to pull an emergency stop. I take full responsibility." 

"How far from Qu'nos are we?" Kirk said.

"Twenty minutes, sir." Replied Sulu. Kirk looked slightly agitated. They were in a dangerous place. Kirk jumped up and asked Uhura how good her Klingon was. Along with Spock, the three flew down to Qu'nos. 

Sulu was given command. (Y/n) radioed Chekov to see how things were going. He was having difficulty finding the fault and was starting to get a little stressed. She tried to calm him down so he could think clearer. 

An hour or so later, Kirk arrived back with Khan. (Y/n) headed to the landing bay to meet them. Carol Marcus and Bones were sent to take apart one of the torpedoes whilst Scotty was sent to investigate some coordinates given by Khan. Kirk explained everything to (y/n) as they walked back to the bridge. 

"You are not there to flirt." Kirk warned Bones as they set up their equipment on the planet below. Bones got into position. Just as Marcus said good luck, the defence mechanism kicked in. The crew listened helplessly, as Spock informed Kirk that they could not beam back one without the other. The countdown was quickly getting closer to zero. Carol, struggling to disarm it, cursed aloud and ripped out the wires. The countdown stopped.

"Dr McCoy, are you alright?" Kirk demanded. (Y/n) prayed for him to answer but he said nothing. 

"Bones!" Jim said.

"Jim." (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief when he answered. "You're gonna wanna see this."

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