One Cartina, Last Decade.(Part 1)

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Authors Note: Yall better be lucky its so easy to write the Cartina Family...and that I love yall. Here yall go. Wayy before its time.

Part 1.

10 Years Ago


"Hey..Its Me Loso..I know thats a stupid way to start this video being you was snooping around in my office..and that means something happened to me. With all the craziness in my family I wanted to make sure to say this before I didnt have the time to say it. To My loving Husband and children, you are the light of my life and I cant wait to give you the big news Mickey..I aint divorcing you. Life is too short to not spend it with the people you love. As for Nino, run this place the same way we ran it. And to my siblings from Carlee to D...I know yall will miss me because I brought all the jokes and O.J dont let them in on our secret pranks we have done to their asses. Ill come back to haunt you. And to Pops!!! Pops, you may be the staple of our family, but you was the one I looked up to the most because you showed me even the thug next door can become the family man. And Lastly to the worlds best Dad! I know you went from fag to Dad and I am still sorry I called you that, because what you are to me could never be put into words. You raised me better than anyone before you and I may never find a way to repay you for putting up with my crazy ass. I love you all and hopefully yall dont find this until we are olddd ass shit sipping out of coconuts on a beach somewhere. Loso out!!! I got a shitty pamper to change."

Loso pressed end on the video and sat back in his chair. He uploaded it to a usb and hid it. He stood up and walked outside of the office and into the club. He seen Nino at the bar with Maya in his arms. He had the look on his face that she had shitted. He laughed and ran over and grabbed her. He took her into the female bathroom and started to changer her as he heard cries. He looked around and quickly kept changing her. He walked out and handed Maya back to Nino and stated, "Have you let anyone in yet?"

"Nope. Why?" Nino asked. Loso turned around and walked back into the bathroom. He opened the first stall and no one was there. Suddenly, he heard glass shatter. He opened the large bathroom door and seen a battered girl holding a piece of glass at him.

"What the fuck?" Loso snapped.

"I aint going back, you hear me?" She said all deranged like.

"I dont know what fucking pills you swallowed, but I dont know what you are talking about."

"You work for them, huh?" She spazzed.

"This is my bar, I work here. What are you doing he—." Loso stopped talking as he looked up and seen the airvent cover missing.

"You snuck in here, who are you running from?" He asked as he got close up on her and she swung the glass and knicked Loso hand and rushed passed him. Loso snapped, "You stupid bitch!" He ran his hand under the water as she climbed out of the bathroom window and ended up in a back alley. She rushed over to the car and hopped in. She handed the glass to the man with Loso blood and asked, "I did what you asked..Can you let me go—." He pulled out a gun with a silencer on it and laid it against her temple. He blew her brains completely out." She laid lifeless as the Audi pulled off. He spoke to the driver.

"Drop me back off at the compound and get this blood over to the lab. Did Axel get fully in with the man in jail that Loso had that run-in with over the bartender?"

"Yes, Boss. The breakout is in a couple of days by then we should know for sure." The driver stated as the man sat back and stated, "Good. Make sure that this car is burning with this stupid bitch in it by nightfall."

A few days later

"An unknown female body was found burned in a burned car west of Manhattan Starlight Studio. No identification has been confirmed, as of—."

Loso cut the TV off and shook his head as Nino came from the kitchen. Loso stood up and stated, "This world is crazy...some young girl was found burned alive."

"What if it was the stupud cunt that sliced your ass—then what?" Nino joked as Loso said, "Ha-ha. That little girl was lost and off the fucking rocker.

"Help me put the stroller in the trunk..." Loso asked as Nino opened the front door to the house. He was stopped by Mickey. Mickey smirked and said, "Hey." Loso heard his voice and came around the stroller and exhaled, "I thought I was dropping them to you."

"I know. I decided to just come because I recieved the papers for me to sign...and I was going to put you thru the ringer but here they go with no argument." He handed the folder to Mickey as Nino went back inside.

"So that finally happened?" Mickey asked.

"Nope. He just a friend. I was never into him that only happened because we did that together. But Im happy to see you smiling again." He told Mickey. Jiminie ran out and hugged Mickey.

"Go in the car—." He hugged me before running off and Nino came out with the babies. He went to put them in the car. Mickey took a deep breath and said, "School shopping is next weekend. Dont be late."

"Just call me. I wont—."

Suddenly, a black car spinned the corner and it caught Loso attention as he seen Nino ex..who suppose to be locked up...with a gun pointed out at them. Bullets started ringing just as Loso snatched Mickey and fell to the floor. Nino covered the babies and screamed as Jiminie got low in the car.

Hours Later, Loso woke up in an all white room and seen a Doctor out the window in a deep converation with some man he couldnt make out. This wasnt a typical hospital room. No TV, no chairs, hell no damn machines. He did have a large patch across his abdomen.

He squinted as he tried to make out what the Doctor was saying.

"He is fine. The bullets didnt hit any major organs. He did bleed alot and the medication I gave to stop his heart for a few minutes so the family can view him worked like a charm. You can wire the money to me now." The Doctor said as Loso tried to sit up, he closed his eyes thinking this was all a dream.

"Now as for the fake body to be at the funeral it will cost to have my mam do a full body. I already did the clay workout figure while he was sedated. Just promise me this wont come back to bite me in the ass. You can see him now." He heard the Doctor say as the door opened and Loso spotted the second half of that conversation. Carloso eyes stretched wide as he thought he was staring in the mirror.

"Hey, baby brother. I know us meeting like this is a bad predicament, but it all happened for a reason. Mom and Dad was no good like I always thought they were. They gave me up for adoption and had two faggots raise you from a teenager. I have been following you for sometime now and lets just say I figured it was the perfect time to finally meet. Im Damon." Damon replied as he walked over.

"I have been a leader of the infamous Gio Cult. I am A GOD. You may have heard of us." Damon asked.

"I seen about some compound that was purchased so that yall can live in peace. The Mayor of New York allowed it. I seen it on the news awhile back—but how did I never know I had a twin." Loso asked.

"Because are parents are shit and I never even had a birth certificate. After she had us at the hospital she handed me off to our father who trashed me. I was found by Giovanni Bentasi and was now taking his spot in his passing. I need you now."

"For what?" Loso asked.

"I have been cursed once again in this horrible life of mine with a disease that only my own  bone marrow can save me—and the only one to be an exact match is Carloso Cartina." Damon explained.

"You didnt have to go thru all of this—You could have handled this an entire different way. Just let me go back to my family and ill help you no doubt." Loso pleaded.

"Yeah right. My doctor said I need a bone marrow transplant STAT and then I need a transplant every 3 months. And overtime it will kill you, but lets hope it doesnt get to that and I am cured by then. You are mine and as you save my life I will make sure your family is safe. Your husband and Kids. I will send one of my personal man into their lives. He will play with the ladyboy of yours and raise your kids for the time being. And if you try to escape then Ill have him kill them....dont test me I am a very powerful God. Its 10394 people living under my followship. Dont test me. So rest up and when you have showed me you are here to be a good little brother you will leave this room—but for now get strong so I can get my first transplant done within the week."

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