One Cartina, Last Decade(Finale)

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One Week Ago


"What you are lying?" Cameron asked me laughing.

"I am dead ass serious. My Pops is crazyyy. Well was. He is feared. However, he was always still the mom to us in a way. We can probably get away with murder and he will not give one fuck, but my Dad all mann he is was such a sweethearted asshole. He beat ass now, ask questions later, but we got a lot of leeway. They didnt care if my little brothers and sister cursed around them, but was big on respect." Loso said.

He looked over at Cameron as they both laid in his bed naked. Cameron played with Loso nipple and exhaled, "Tomorrow is another surgery. I swear those three months fly by fast. How are your stats looking?"

"Fine." Loso quickly answered.

"Bullshit. It is me you are talking too. I have known you for the last 6 years of my life and have spent the better part of that in a confinsed room in that stank ass barn after you was brought back.  What are your stats?"

"My body isnt making marrow as quick as it use to ten years ago. Next week mark ten years since I came here. My younger children probably dont even remember me. Thanksgiving is in a week and I know my entire family is about to come up to the manor and feast the fuck out." Loso said as his voice got raspy. Cameron sat up and wiped Loso tears.

"No need to cry. Once that son of a bitch dies. We are all scotch free. I dont see anyone trying to take the reigns from him. He is too cocky for that. Because deep down he still thinks he can beat this disease. All you are doing is buying
him time." Cameron explained as he climbed on top of Loso. Loso sat up and rubbed Cameron face.

"The only thing about this place if we are stuck here until I die or my brother die—that I would seriously miss is you. Thanks for not trying to fill the void, but being here for me." Loso told him as they started making out. Cameron moaned as Loso kissed down his neck and started sucking on his nipples. Cameron reached under and grabbed Loso hard dick and slapped it against his ass cheeks. He turned around and started a 69 pow-wow.Loso spreaded those ass cheeks and dove his head into that warm bussy. Cameron sucked on Loso dick ass it grew inside of his mouth.

Suddenly, Loso screamed out in pain. He held his chest and Cameron hopped up. He grabbed a sheet and rushed out of the room.

"I NEED HELPP!!" Cameron screamed.

"A heart attack? How does that even happen?" Loso asked the Doctor.

"Sexual activity along with these transplants dont go hand and hand. It caused a strain on your heart. One more of these transplant and you are done. And I mean really dead. And I dont know if its fate or not, but Damon is improving and one more of these transplant maybe just it to cure him." The Doctor confessed. Life works in funny ways. One more and Im dead and he lives...or if I dont do it he dies and I live. I have a choice and after this lashing and beating I got for my last breakout—I accepted fate but I have to leave this place. Im leaving dead or alive."

A few days after Thanksgiving

"I close my eyes and I can see, The world that's waiting up for me.That I call my own.
Through the dark, through the door.Through where no one's been before, But it feels like home."

Cameron sat across from Loso on the diner hall as this somg played over the speaker. Loso eyes filled with water.

"Thats our song. I took Mickey to see this movie when it returned to the movies for a special singalong version, when we was in High School. He cried all the way thru it. It was a true masterpiece. Its a sign."

Cartina Family TripDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora