Chapter Seven

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Sunlight shone through the wood paneling of the barn and lit up the yellow strands of hay. Outside, the birds chirped and sang their songs, signifying that it was early morning.

Scarlett sat up, letting the pieces of hay fall off, and brushed the remainder out of her hair and off her clothes. She glanced around the room, seeing only the two horses and their breakfast. The door had been closed, and it looked like pirates had never entered the barn. It looked so peaceful, like a carefree day on the farm should be. But Scarlett knew they were still around. They could even be outside waiting for all I know. But seeing the horses' breakfast in front of them proved to her that there hadn't been any disturbances that morning for Edmund and Claire.

Scarlett opened the door and peeked outside, letting the sunlight flash in her eyes. She walked to the house and approached the back door she had escaped through the night before.

"Hello?" she said, as she opened it.

"Oh Scarlett," Claire exclaimed, greeting her at the door. "Come in and have a seat. We're just about to have breakfast. Was everything okay last night?"

"Yes, I was able to hide in the hay when they came looking."

"Oh thank goodness!" Claire replied. "I knew you would hide, but I was so worried when they opened the barn door."

Scarlett only smiled and sat herself in a chair, opposite from the little girl and beside the little boy she had only seen a glance of. "Children, this is Scarlett. Scarlett, this is my daughter, Bonnie, and my son, Liam."

"Nice to meet you," Scarlett warmly said.

Liam shyly gave a greeting, but Bonnie jumped right to asking questions. "Who are you?"

"Bonnie," Claire scolded, as she placed cooked potatoes and eggs in front of the three.

"Mum, you said that you would tell us what happened last night, and you haven't all morning!" Liam nodded in agreement.

Scarlett laughed, then said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you who I am. I came to your Mum and Dad's last night because I escaped from pirates," Bonnie and Liam exclaimed in awe at the mention of pirates, "Yes, they took me captive a few days ago back at my home in England. The captain is the most feared in these lands, too, I believe." The children listened attentively to Scarlett's every word, and they reminded her of the little girl she used to be. "But children, this is a very serious business. Surely you've heard pirate stories, and as exciting as they may seem, they're not something to be taken lightly. Rather, my life is in danger. I know they are searching for me, and I have to be careful."

"Why did they capture you?" Bonnie asked.

Her younger brother added, "Do they have swordfights?"

Scarlett laughed. "I haven't witnessed it yet. I don't know why they captured me. I think the Captain is mistaking me for someone else."


"I couldn't imagine," she replied as she looked at Claire, who returned her glance.

In between bites of their breakfast, Bonnie and Liam bombarded Scarlett with questions about her experiences on the pirate ship, and she returned with satisfying answers, sparing them of the details she knew their mother would want left out.

Afterwards, Scarlett helped Claire clean the dishes, while the children left to mend the garden.

"Edmund is down in the market," Claire said.

"I was wondering where he was," Scarlett replied. "I just never had a chance to ask!" The two laughed but fell silent.

"Scarlett," Claire said, stopping her work. "Hearing your stories of what you have been through these last few days really amazes me. If that were me, I wouldn't have lasted a day from fear! But what you have endured, I admire." She paused. "We need to find a way to get you back to your home. I just wish I knew how. But I'll talk to Edmund about it. He knows the sailors in the town and he can work something out."

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