Derek (1)

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Derek's P.O.V

"Dinner is almost ready in ten!" My mother said as Ethan and I played video games, "alright!" I said and huffed as he beat me again. "Ha! I win!" Ethan smiled and I crossed my arms "whatever" I said and he sat on my lap as he smirked.

I grabbed my phone and Ethan peaked at my phone to see me texting Ariana, "let's go eat" he said "wait Ariana needs help with her homework" I said as I texted her "ugh Derek! Forget her!" "Ethan she's my girlfriend" "and I'm your boyfriend!" he whined and I sent the text before putting my phone down "Yeah I know, I'm sorry" I said and he shrugged "it's fine" he said. "Lets go eat" I smiled.

Ariana and I have been dating for a year, I met Ethan during a pep rally and we really hit it off, I came to watch Ariana cheer and I was lonely and so was Ethan. We exchanged numbers and since then we've been together for eight months. My mother doesn't know about us, she thinks we're best friends. But my brothers know.

"Chicken Alfredo, yes!" I smiled and sat down as Justin was texting on his phone and giggled. Jason was already eating and i thanked my mother before beginning to eat.


"Are you in the mood?" Ethan asked as we lied on my bed, "maybe" I said as he sat up and grinned, palming my member through my sweat pants as I peaked one eye open. "My mom is home" I mumbled "we won't have sex then" he said and crawled underneath the blankets.

"Do you think your parents will let me sleepover?" I asked and let out a grunt, "I'll ask" he said. I shut up and let Ethan continue as I held in my moans.

The next day I had a meeting with my team to discuss nationals for JLAB. "Okay guys, Mr. Anderson just told me this morning that the hotel rooms have been booked for competition in two weeks" I smiled and my team cheered, "we are so going to win this year!" "Hell yeah!" A girl smiled. "Alright guys lets practice" I said and my team stood by their bells as I stood in front of the classroom.

"What is the rank of a sergeant major in the army?"

Ding! "Three chevrons, three rockers, and an eagle!" Jessica said

"What are two ways of exhibiting the value of honor?" I said and as I continued to quiz my team, Ariana walked in and sat in the back to not disrupt my team. She smiled at me lovingly and just watched.


"Thanks for coming by" I said as everyone began to leave, "no problem" Ariana smiled "I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch?" "Yeah sure" I said "do you think you can drop me off at Ethan's afterwords?" "Yeah sure" Ariana said and held my hand as we walked to her car.

Ariana thinks Ethan and I are best pals, they've talked a couple of times and she thinks he's a good guy.

"I was thinking we could eat at Denny's" she said "yeah sure, anything is fine with me" I said as she grinned "so my parents will be gone this weekend for business stuff, do you want to come over? I could make us dinner, we could watch a movie, then maybe talk in my room" she said "talk about what?" I said and she shrugged "anything you want" Ariana smiled "I might have an idea" I winked as she laughed "so you're in?" "Yeah" I said.

"Are you excited for jlab competition?" "Yeah, I can't wait to go to Florida for four days" I smiled at the thought. "Do you think your team is ready?" "Yeah, my team is well prepared and I'm very confident they'll do well" I said. Talking about my team made me happy, I love being captain. "That's sweet, I'm sure you guys will do amazing during nationals, I wish I could some watch" she pouted as I only grinned "you'll be the first person I text when I earn my victory" I said as Ariana smiled lovingly.


"What are we going to do?" I asked as I followed Ethan upstairs to his room. "Eat junk food, watch movies" he shrugged. "How fun" I said and Ethan shut the door as he smiled "I bought us snacks" he said and pulled out a bag full of junk food. "Oh yeah, my parents want to take me and my little brother to the beach tomorrow, you wanna come?" "I can't, I'm spending the day with Ariana" I said as Ethan shrugged "okay" he said.

But he was quiet, "what's wrong?" I said and Ethan shrugged "when are you going to tell her?" he said as my eyes widened "we had this discussion before" "I know but.. I want to hold your hand in public.. I want to tell your mom and my parents, I want to go on dates, Derek I can't keep doing this" "I'm sorry, I can't make a decision right now.. I have nationals coming and I can't have this discussion, I'm sorry Ethan but it'll have to wait" I said and he sighed but nodded in understanding "okay" he said.

"Let's just enjoy what we have going on right now, okay?" I said and kissed his cheek as Ethan gave me a small smile.

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