Jason (2)

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Jason's P.O.V

          "Valentines Day is this Sunday" Summer said while driving and I nodded my head as I looked out the window. "Wanna watch a movie?" Summer asked and I shrugged, not paying a lot of attention "sure" I said. "Cool" Summer smiled "anyways uh.. when you mentioned your ex at dinner.. I didn't know Jase, I'm sorry about that" she said as I shrugged "it was a long time ago" I said "well I'm always here if you need to talk" Summer smiled and dropped me off at my house "see you Sunday" she said and I opened the door and stepped out the car.

We had a weird relationship, I always came over for dinner and got along well with her parents but we're very blunt and sometimes none of us know what to say.

"Hi sweetie, I saved you a plate" my mom said and I sat besides her as she was sat on the couch in the living room "can I ask you something?" I said as she nodded "of course." "I'm hanging out with this girl on Valentine's Day.. I haven't been with anyone since Sophie.. I'm scared, I don't know how to express to someone how I feel." "Well if you feel that you are not ready then don't force yourself, it'll only make things complicated for not just you but for her too" "I-I think I'm ready, I just.. it's been so long since I've done this before.. the whole dating thing" "just have fun, enjoy it, don't overthink it sweetie, do what you feel is right and make her comfortable, Flowers are always nice for a first step" My mom smiled and I nodded as I grinned "thanks" I said and got up.

"Hey" Derek said "what are the top flowers that girls love?" I asked "roses, Tulips-" "perfect!" I said and made my way into my room. I grabbed my phone and texted Summer.

Jason: forget the movie, let's do something even better

Summer: I'm scared, should I bring my taser?

Jason: I genuinely want to show you a good time

Summer: I know, I'm kidding :) looking forward to it.


Today, Derek and I stopped by the store to pick up bouquets for our dates, Derek picked out two bouquets of roses and I picked out a bouquet of pink tulips. After I had paid for my flowers, I went home and grabbed my moms cook book. I put on a pair of glasses and flipped through the book as Derek watched me in interest. "This is new" he said as I grabbed ingredients "who's the lucky lady?" Derek teased, "Summer" I said.

"I have no idea who that is" Derek admitted "aren't you the school president?" "There's like more than a hundred kids at our school!" He scoffed. "Whatever, I need concentration.. I haven't cooked in years" I said and Derek continued to do his homework on the table as I continued reading through the book.

The next day my brothers and I were going crazy, especially Derek who was trying to get things organized because he had a date with Ariana in the afternoon and another date to prepare for Ethan tonight. I wasn't sure who Justin was going on a date with, he hadn't told us who.. I don't even think he knows if it is a real date but he seemed quite nervous. Justin had changed, he went from a shy nobody to one of the most popular guys in school, according to some people anyways. I was impressed with his transformation but there was still one thing about him that bugged me and it was his attraction to other boys.

"I'm leaving mom, bye!" I said as I left with a basket and flowers. I started my car and looked at myself in the mirror one more time, fixing my hair before driving off to Summers house.

When arriving to Summers house, I suddenly felt even more nervous than before. I remembered the last time I did something like this.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer, and when the door opened I felt my heart skip.

She was gorgeous, "hi" Summer said as I smiled "hi" I said and held the flowers up "these are for you" I said as she smiled "thanks

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She was gorgeous, "hi" Summer said as I smiled "hi" I said and held the flowers up "these are for you" I said as she smiled "thanks.. I'll put these in my room" she said "I'll wait in the car" I said and turned around as I took a deep breath, I don't know why I'm so nervous but at the same time I liked this feeling I was getting. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out my feelings today.

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