Jason (4)

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Jason's P.O.V

          "What do you think of this dress?" Summer stood by the dressing room in a black dress that hugged her body and showed off her curves, "any dress you choose is fine with me baby" I said as I scrolled through my phone. "I know.. but I still want to feel good and well this one doesn't help" she said and returned to the dressing room. "Did you pick out a suit yet?" Summer asked from the fitting room as I nodded "yes and a corsage" I said as she stepped out of the fitting room wearing a maroon colored dress and I looked up "that's perfect baby" I said as she smiled and looked at herself in the mirror "yeah I do feel confident" she smiled. "Prom is going to be so much fun!" she said in excitement.

Once I had gotten home I began to remember prom from last year when I was a junior, Sophie and I had went together and I remembered how beautiful she looked. I opened my closet and grabbed a box, as I opened the lid I couldn't help but smile at an old photo of Sophie and I that my mom had taken before we went to prom. "Hey? Jason?" Derek said as he peaked his head in "what's up?" I said "I just wanted to talk to you about the engagement" Derek said as he entered my room and sat down on my bed.

"Okay" I said and put the box away, "Well.. I don't know how to start off.. but uh.. I think you're making a mistake" Derek said "what a wonderful start" I said sarcastically. "I'm sorry! But you barely know her.. what if she turns out to be different than you thought! remember when I dated Emma in freshman year and I was totally in love with her even though we were only together two weeks then she turned out to be psycho and had crazy anger issues" Derek said and I nodded at the memory of her lashing out during dinner. "Summer could turn out to be completely different like that" "yeah I guess so" I said.

"Do her parents even know about you guys?" "Um.. no we're going to tell them tomorrow" I said "how much do you really know about her Jase? Do you even know her favorite color? Have you guys even had an argument yet?" all these questions began to confuse me, he was right. I wasn't sure if I was ready to be with her for the rest of my life, she could be completely different from what I thought she was. Who even knows if I'll end up meeting someone while traveling as a Marine.

"I need your help" I said as Derek raised a brow "how the hell do I back out of an engagement?" I said as he laughed.


"Bad news" Summer said as she walked towards me "my parents won't be home tonight, they're working overtime so we'll have to wait to tell them" Summer said as I shrugged "that's fine" I said.

"Anyways, Derek rented a limo for prom tomorrow so we'll pick you up" I said as Summer smiled "a limo?! Cool! I'm so excited!" Summer cheered as I nodded "Uh yeah I gotta head to class now" I said and made my way down the hall. I walked into the restroom and put my backpack down as I sighed. I don't know how I'm going to break the news to Summer and get that ring back.

I heard sniffling coming from one of the stalls and raised a brow at the familiar sound "Justin?" I said as I heard crying. "Go away Jason" he said "what's wrong?" "nothing!" "come on Justin I'm not gonna judge you or anything" I said and Justin opened the door as he wiped his tears "it's Michael and that girl Bianca" he said and I raised a brow "Bianca Garcia?" I said as he nodded.

"Michael says he doesn't want his family to know about us so he's going to take Bianca with us to prom and she doesn't go away, she's always with him and I hate it" Justin cried as I frowned "Hey Michael doesn't deserve you and you deserve way better than some pussy who's going to hide the truth from his family" I said as Justin wiped his tears "tell him how you feel Justin, don't make yourself miserable for some jock" I said as Justin nodded "o-okay" he said and I smiled as I rubbed his hair "now go wash your face and get to class" I said as he nodded and I made my way to class.


"Aww my boys look so handsome!" my mom awed as my brothers and I walked down the steps in our suits. Ariana smiled as she walked towards Derek and my mom began taking pictures as Justin and I stood besides each other "so Bianca's still coming?" I whispered as he nodded "there's nothing I can do" he said. "Now I want a picture of my boys!"

"Mom we have to pick up our dates" I said "and the limo is here" Derek said as he held Ariana's hand, "fine fine" my mother said "have fun boys!" she smiled as we walked to the limo. "Ooh Champagne!" Ariana smiled, I shut the door as I sat down and Justin stayed quiet as he leaned his head against the window. "Wait" he said as everyone looked at him "I-I wanna stay home" he said as my eyes widened "seriously?" "Yeah.. I can't do this" he said and got out of the car.

"Justin told you?" I said to Derek as he nodded "I don't blame the guy but there's always next year to make up for it" Derek said and I nodded.


"Oh my god! How beautiful!" Summer smiled as she looked around the room. The prom theme was starry night and it looked pretty cool. "Let's go take pictures!" Ariana said as she dragged Derek towards the photo booth.

"Let's go find a table" Summer said as she held my hand and I sighed as I tried to think of how I was going to tell her about the engagement until an idea came to me. Maybe I don't have to tell her, maybe I can try making it seem as if it were her idea to break it off.

"Let's sit here!" Summer said "I hate this spot, let's sit all the way in the back" I said "but I want to sit in the front to see them announce king and queen" Summer pouted "but if we sit in the back nobody will see us" I said as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck "Jase, stop it! Not in front of everyone it's rude" she frowned. "Aw come on don't be lame" I scoffed as I pulled away and Summer rolled her eyes "since when did you start acting like such a pig?" she said as she walked towards her friends.

"Hey Jase" my friend Zack walked towards me with a guy "hey what's up? You still dealing?" I asked "Hell yeah.. I'm selling right now.. just sold a couple of ciggy's to Mr. A" Zack laughed "you got any weed on you?" I asked as I pulled out my wallet "meet me in the restroom" he said and left with his friend as I looked around before following him.

I entered the restroom and Zack pulled out a blunt as I handed him money, he lit the cigarette up and I stuck it between my lips as he smiled. Zacks friend sprayed the bathroom with air freshener to keep the smell of weed from spreading to the ball room.

Once I had smoked a couple of joints I returned to the ball room as Summer walked towards me "there you are! Come on, I wanna dance!" she said and pulled me through the crowd of people dancing to the music. I chuckled and froze at the sight of Michael and Bianca together dancing.

I have to stop Michael from hurting my brother. I pushed people out of the way as I walked towards them and grabbed Michael by his collar, I pulled him away from the crowd and shot him a glare as we stood by the punch table. "J-Jason" he stuttered "what are you doing here?" I spat "It's prom.. why wouldn't I be—" "shut the fuck up" I cut off as his eyes widened "You're supposed to be with my brother but instead you came with the schools slut?!" I spat as his eyes widened "I-I was going to talk to Justin tomorrow" "but why are you with her?" I spat as he froze "I- I don't know! I don't know what I'm doing! I really like Justin and.. I can't disappoint my parents" he said.

"Then why did you ask him out in the first place?! If you're just going to hide him!" I said as he sighed "I-I don't know.. I'm so stupid" "yeah you are" I said as Summer walked towards me.

"I have to talk to him" Michael said and left as Summer crossed her arms, "what the hell is going on? Look at your eyes! Are you high?!" Summer glared "y-yes!" I said.

"Summer I'm sorry.. I can't marry you" I said as her eyes widened "w-what?" "This is a mistake.. and I need the ring back" I said as tears formed in her eyes "fine.. take it" she said and handed it to me, I sighed in relief and all of a sudden a drink was thrown in my face as my jaw dropped and Summer punched my chest "FUCK YOU JASON!" Summer cried and ran off as everyone stared at her and Derek ran towards me "holy shit" he said.

I held the ring in my hand as I smiled in relief "I did it" I said.

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