Derek (5)

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Derek's P.O.V

          "Here you go Derek Bieber and congratulations" the woman smiled as she handed me my cap and gown "thanks" I said. I walked down the halls to my locker and put my uniform inside as a girl tapped my shoulder "Jason?" she said and I turned around to be met with a girl who I've never seen before.

"Nope just his twin brother Derek, see" I showed her my ID and she frowned "I need to talk to your brother" she said as I raised a brow "who's asking?" "My name is Liz" the girl said "and.. it's important" she said as I looked down at my watch "Well I think he's picking up his cap and gown but we could wait for him by his car" I said as she nodded and followed me outside "you go here? I haven't seen you before" I said as she shook her head "no I attend another school.. Jason and I met at a party" she said as I nodded.

Liz and I stood by Jason's car for awhile and Justin walked towards us as he raised a brow "who's this?" he said as I shrugged "a friend of Jason's" I said as he shrugged.

"Sorry for the wait! The line took forever" Jason said and raised a brow "Liz" he said as the girl gave him a serious look "what?" Jason said and she didn't say anything. "What! Why are you guys staring at me!" Jason said.

"I'm pregnant Jason" Liz said as my eyes widened "and I'm pretty sure the baby is yours" she said as my jaw dropped and Jason froze. "A-are you sure?" I said as she nodded, "I somewhat remember Jason and I hooking up.. it was at a party.. don't you remember Jason?" she said as he nodded "fuck.. I think I do.. we were debating whether or not to use a condom then I blacked out "yeah so did I.. you were the last person I hooked up with" Liz said as Jason cursed "fuck I'm so stupid" he whispered.

"You're both stupid" I corrected, "we were drunk asshole!" Jason spat as I rolled my eyes. "Can we please discuss this at home?" Justin said "well I have a celebration to get to" I said "oh yeah the school is throwing you guys a party right?" Justin said as I nodded "in celebration of our victory" I grinned proudly. "Have fun" Jason said and I waved to my brothers as I entered the school.

I walked down the halls and suddenly I was pushed against the lockers by a girl "ow! What the hell!" I said in pain, "you broke my best friends heart! Ever since you left him he's been a wreck!" and once I looked up I realized who was speaking to me. "Shit, Amber" I said as I rubbed my shoulder "you deserve it" she spat and I nodded "okay fine I did" I sighed.

"Ethan has been crying constantly and every time he sees you and Ariana together he completely breaks down" Amber said and I sighed "I'm sorry, I don't know what you want me to do though" I said as she glared at me "nothing! Don't do anything! Don't go near him! Don't talk to him! I just wanted to tell you how depressed he was because I want you to know how much you damaged a person.. he's like that because of you!" Amber said as my eyes widened.

Amber stomped away and I walked to class to see lots of food on a table and my team scattered around talking. "Derek's here!" Sarah said as my team smiled "we got you a gift Derek" Bruce said and handed me a box with a ribbon on it "Aw thanks guys" I said and opened the lid "oh wow" I said and pulled out a trophy that was titled "best captain" I smiled as Mr. Andrews took a photo.

"Alright now that Derek is here you guys can get your food now and afterwards we will be announcing the new captain for next year" Mr. Andrews smiled. "We already know it's going to be Sarah" someone snorted, "shut up!" I said. "Wait is it?!" Dylan said wide eyed as I glared at my teammate "Okay yeah" I said as everyone cheered happily. I chuckled and sat down besides Mr. Andrews.

I wanted to be happy for my team but the guilt was haunting me, I felt bad for Ethan but there's nothing I can do. I know if I talk to him it'll make him feel even worse but I really hope he does well and finds someone much better.

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