Chapter 2 ( part 2 ) : "Who are you?"

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Erza p.o.v

When Lucy was surrounded by fangirls I was pulled away by someone. "DpWhy did you pull me?" I turned and saw a boy with blue hair and a red tattoo below his eye.

"E-Erza.." He stared at me with eyes widen. He smiled and hugged me. "W-What?" My eyes widen.

Why is this boy hugging me? Do I know him? "I-I finally found you." I stsred at him with confuse. "Im sorry. Do I know you? How did you know my name."

He let go of me and stared at me. "You forgot about me?" I stared back at him. "Im sorry. This ismy first time meeting you Jellal from Dragonslayers." I turned away. "You and your band is the reason why my café is low on business."

I started to walk away when he pulled me by my wrist. "What?!" He kept on staring at me with disappointment in his face. "I cant believe you forgot about me."

"Let go of me. I have to go back to my friends." I pulled away but hewas too strong. "Im Jellal. Jellal Fernandez. Your childhood friend. Do you really forgot about me?"

I was shocked. Childhood friends? But. I dont remember him. "I dont remember you. I'm sure this is the first time I met you. Now let go."

He was still holding onto my hand. I kicked him and he let go. He smiled. "Erza. You haven't changed a bit eversincewe were young." Then he left.

What a mysterious guy...

Jellal p.o.v

I walked back to where Dragonslayers were going to meet up since we were performing for this school.

"Guys! Have to seen Natsu-san? The performance starts in an hour and the students are waiting." Romeo yelled.

"Ill go get him." Gray said with a girl hugging his arm. I sweatdropped. "Why is a girl hugging your arm?"

"I dont know!" He just walked away. I sat down on a chair, sulking. "Hey dude. You seem a bit...Gloomy." Gajeel said. "Yeah Jellal. You see different. You would of been telling us the prepare. Even though its in an hour."

I sighed. "I found out that my childhood friend forgot about me." Both of them gasped. "Dude. Im sorry." Gajeel pats my back. "Im fine."

Minutes later I saw Gray and Natsu return and this time the girl hugging Gray's arm was gone.

I also saw Natsu smiling while staring at his phone. "Oi Natsu. Why are you smiling while looking at your phone?" I asked.

I saw a tint of pink from his cheek which disapeared seconds later. I took his phone and looked at it. He seemed ok with it. The phone was turned off.

"Ha! You can't see it now since I locked it." I turned at the phone, once I turned it on, I saw a picture of a blonde haired girl blushing.

"Natsu. Who's this blondie?" He blushed! Who is this girl? Natsu must really like this blonde haired girl. No one made him blush before.

"She's--" He was cut off by Gray. "She's Natsu's Cruuuuush."

"What?! I dont like Luce!"

"You gave her a nickname!"


While they were bickering I swiped the phone. It's locked. Well Natsu isnt really smart so... I pressed 0, 4 times.

I smirked. "So you kissed your crush?"

Natsu's eyes widen. "How did you get in?!" He snatched his phone back. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously.. your password is 0000..."

"Dragonslayers! the students really love you. its time for you to go." "well thats our sign." All of us walked up the stage.

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