Chapter 5 : The Unexpected Meeting

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Levy P.O.V

"Its closing time!" Everyone left and I was the only one there. Wendy left with a guy with black/ purple/violet hair.

Lu-chan didnt go to work, maybe she went with Natsu? Maybe...

And Erza went home early due to her headache. So basically. They left me. I sighed. I locked the café and decided to go to a comic store.

Its really rare for me to go to a comic store since usually, I go to my neighborhood library. I guess I was craving for some action.

I turned to the right, crossed the street, walked straight then turn left and then I arrived at the comic store.

I entered the store and looked around. Wow... I looked through the ailes and scanned each books. Well not literally. I just skimmed through the comics to see which one caught my interest.

Oh! That cauht my interest. I reached up and was about to take the book until I felt someones hand. I looked to the right and saw a boy with sunglasses, a hat, some piercings being hid. Im guessing he's famous?

Wait. No... It cant be. Its....GAJEEL!!! I turned around, facing him and bowed. "Gomenasai." I handed him the comic book.

"You can have it." I handed him the book.

Gajeel P.O.V

I decided to go to the comic store after rehearsal. I took my disguise, cause I dont want fangirls attacking me.

Even if I want to defend myself I can't since it'll ruin my whats it called? Uh...Popularity? I guess.

I opened the door and walked to the aile I was always in. The action aile. The cashier smiled and waved at me. He was actually a friend of mines.

He knows I come here all the time. I looked through the comic books. If you're wondering why comic books. Its because I have Dyslexia, its hard for me to read but I read comic books cause I liked the pictures.

I was about to get a book but I felt a hand. I turned around and saw a blue haired girl. She apologized and handed me the book.

"Watch where you're getting next time." I took the book and walked to the cashier.

Levy P.O.V

I sighed. That is Gajeel.. I was correct! If his personality changed I might like him mo-- Levy!

I sighed. Time to get a new book then. I turned my attention back to the shelf and found another book I wanted. I looked up. It'!

I cant reach it! I would've jumped but I dont want to emberess myself. So I stretched my arms up as high as I could.

"Stop stretching shrimp. If you wanted help, you could've asked." I heard a male voice.i turned and saw gajeel... again. He took the book and handed it to me.

I bowed and thanked him. "Thank y-- what.. did you call me shrimp?!" He chucked and ruffled my hair. "Yup. Ill also call you midget." I pouted. "I have a name you know!"

"I know that."

"Then call me my name instead of these names!"

"You havent told your name to me."

I mentally facepalmed myself. I forgot.. "My name is Levy."

He looked around to see if anyone was there and whispered something.

"My name is Gajeel."


Hai guys ^^

Im sorry if im like inactive. Its because im on vacation in china currently and it doesnt let me use wattpad *sad face* :c

But im at Japan right now

and the toilets are like


so perf xD

so yeahh

and japan lets me go on wattpad

so yippeee!


I don't edit my fanfics ^^"

sometimes I do

sometimes I wont

and im sorry if I made grammar mistakes

english is my 2nd language •//w//•

um yeah






(sorry this story isshorter than usual)

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