Who Is He

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--Crystal's POV--

<Back to Present Time>

I walk through the forest, and someone bumps into me. "I'm sorry." I say in a low tone shyly. "No I'm sorry, I'm the one who bumped into you. Anyways my name's Jerome." He says. I look up to see that he's a... a... Bacca! I was kinda scared, and I think he noticed. (Just so you know, she's hiding her ears and tail.) "Woah, it's okay. Don't be scared, I'm a nice Bacca. Anyways, you should get home because it's like 11:00 at night." Jerome says. I was calmer, but I knew I couldn't go home, my parents kicked me out! So I just looked nervous. "You don't have a home do you?" He asks. I nod my head, and he understands. "You can stay with me in the house for as long as you want, anyways you never gave me your name." "Ok thank you, and my name's Crystal. I'm well... can you keep a secrete?" I ask. "Of course Crystal, what is it?" "I'm well... I'm a hybrid." I say mumbling the last part. "Oh, well I'm a Bacca, so don't worry, what hybrid anyways." I lift up my ears and take out my tail, "A cheetah hybrid." I say, still in a low tone. "Oh. Crystal, how old are you?" He asks. "I'm 16, you?" "I'm 17." (In this story all of the Team Crafted are 17.)

--Time Skip-- (Five minutes later)

"Wait, Jerome, are you ASF Jerome from Team Crafted?" I asked

--Jerome's POV--

"Wait, Jerome, are you ASF Jerome from Team Crafted?" She asked. "Yah, why?" I said kinda confident even though I was really nervous she was going to be one of those crazed fan girls. "I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN!!" She said, which really got me scared. She must have noticed that I was scared. "Don't worry Jerome, I'm not one of Rhodes crazed fan girls." She said in a soothing voice. "How can I trust that." I said. "If I was a crazed fan girl I would've already took something of yours." She said. "Okay I trust you." I wonder if Mitch misses me, I said I would only be out for not that long.


"I'm going to go out and take a walk guys, I'll be back in a bit." I said. "Alright biggums, be safe." Mitch said back, and I started walking.

--Flashback over--

"We're almost there Crystal." I said. With that she hid her ears and tail. "I don't want anybody to know." She said after. I must have looked at her like I was dumb founded. Sure I really liked her, but I don't know I she feels the same way about me. "Woah, this house is huge." She said with amazement. Wow she can be so cute sounding sometimes. "Yup, this is the Team Crafted house." I said.


Hey guys thanks for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed! Please give me your feedback. And remember every time you laugh a baby dies (not really.) Anyways guys peace out!

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