My Secret

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Most of my story is going to my POV (Crystal's POV.)


~Crystal's POV~

"Bodil, can we talk?..." I asked. "Ya sure" he said "No like in your room, I have to kinda show you something." I said nervously. We went upstairs into my light blue with rainbow spots everywhere. "What's up?" He asked "I umm... I'm kind of a hybrid." I said very lowly. "You are?!" He said kind of suprised. "Ya." I said. "What kind." "A cheetah hybrid." I said ashamed. I lifted up my ears and took my tail out of my shorts. He was surprised. I don't even know if he'll like me anymore, and just the thought of that made me cry. "Crystal, what's wrong?" he said comforting me, while rubbing my shoulder. "Y-you probably d-don't l-love me anymore." I said sobbing. "No, I will always love you, no matter what you look like or if you're a hybrid or if you hurt me or kill me, I will always love you." (<---- I wish men were really like this ;(.) I stopped crying. "Really?" I asked sniffling. He nodded his head. "Hey Crystal, how did you become a hybrid?" He asked. Oh no my story, I've never told anyone my story. I don't know about this. I gulped.


I was at the park, I slid down the slide and my mom said she ran to the store across the street and would be right back. That was kinda stupid cause I'm only 4. A strange man came up to me and asked, "Hey kid, do you want some icecream?" I love icecream, no matter who it came from, ice cream is ice cream. "Sure!" I said very excited. "Then come with me." I followed him into a van. He closed the door and locked it. I don't think I'm going to get any ice cream. This man drove me to this strange house, he took me in and put me on a medical table in a white room. He took out all kinda of shots with strange liquids in them, and all sorts of knives. He chained me down to the medal table and put this kind of liquid in me which made me black out. I woke up again and I saw I was in this jail cell and I had a tail and ears. I'm probably just seeing things. I pinched my arm just to make sure I wasn't dreaming because the ears and tail weren't disappearing. OUCH! Okay, I'm not dreaming. Then all of the sudden that strange man came out and walked up to my dark cold cell. "How's my cheetah hybrid doing?" WAIT CHEETAH HYBRID!? In a little bit I'll bring you back. All of the sudden I blacked out, the next thing I knew is I was on the playground. Oh goodness I need to hide my ears. I put my ears against my head and I tucked my tail into my shorts. "Hey Crystal, I'm back!" My mom said. Just act like nothing happened, and never show anybody.

--End of Flashback--

I told Bodil the whole thing. "OMG I'm soo sorry for you." He said. "It's okay." I said. I buried my head into his chest and fell asleep hearing his heart. THUMP. THUMP THUMP. THUMP.


Hey guys Crystal here, I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for such the short chapter, it's all I had time for for today, please give me your feedback, it would be appreciated. Anyways have a great day, and remember every time you laugh a baby dies (not really), anyways guys peace out!

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