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~Crystal's POV~

"Oh you know the sky and whatnot." I replied to Bodil. He just started laughing, which made me laugh. Next thing I knew, we were both on the floor laughing! I didn't seem what was funny, but Bodil's laugh. Jeez, his laugh can make the toughest nut crack. ( <------- is that even a saying??? XD)

After our laughter I was starving. I was just going to get some McDonalds. I knew I could go alone, but I don't like going alone. I know just the person to ask. "Hey Bodil, wanna go to McDonalds with me, please!" I said and gave him the puppy lip. "I don't have any American money though." He replied. "I'll pay for it." "Fine, but I'll pay you back once I get American money." He said. "Okay just let me get changed." He just laughed at that.

I went into my room got on a white short sleeve shirt with a long jean jacket over it. I also put on some of my short shorts and my black converse. I brushed my hair one last time and made sure I looked alright, and headed

(downstairs. What's it's spoused to look like :3)

I saw the Bodil was already ready with his normal suit on. I can't stop looking at him, he'a so... cute. I blushed a little bit but I hid it. "Come on Crystal, we don't have all day, let's get going." He said. "Do you have a car or a license?" "Not yet." I nodded my head understandingly, and walked out the door.

Walking down the road la da da da da dum. I swear every time I look over at Bodil, he blushes and looks away. I just want to tell him that I like him, but I'm too shy to.

Finally we're here! Yes Food!! (<--- am I the only one who does that?) "Can I have 2 large fries and whatever he wants." I said to the cashier lady who was surprising fat. "I would like a Big-Mac and a large fry." Martin said to the fat cashier lady. We got are food and sat down at one of the booths.

Yuuummm Foood! It was soooo goood!!!!! Well every kind of food is good when you're hungry. But I think I might like Bodil more than food, nah nothing's better than food.

After our food we threw everything away and started walking back home. (The TC house.) "So Bodil." I started. "So Crystal." "Want to troll someone tomorrow?" I asked. Just then I saw his face light up and then gave an evil grin. He nodded his head slowly. I knew he wanted to troll, he would never turn down an offer. He started talking about how we could troll the whole team, and how it would work out, and what we needed.

We ran to the store and got the things we needed. Okay when we get home I need to tell him. Sure I've only been with him for 2 days, but it feels like longer.

We got home put everything in Bodil's lovely room. Okay Crystal this is your time don't be afraid, it's now or never. "Umm, Bodil..."


Hey guys Crystal here, I hope you all enjoyed! Please give me your feedback, it would be appreciated. Anyways have a great day, and remember every time you laugh a baby dies (not really), anyways guys peace out!

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