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Hey guys Crystal here, thank all of you guys for reading my story. I know I know "Come on Crystal just get to the point." What I was going to say is that I am going to try to upload a new chapter everyday, if I can't I'm sorry I'll try and make it up with a long chapter or two chapters in one day. But once school starts, I wont have time to upload a new chapter everyday because of homework and that stuff, but I'll try to upload as much as I can. Also if you could slap that follow button with your...um...... your table, than that would be very much appreciated, but seriously don't hit your phone, computer, iMac, ect with a table, I don't want you to break your device. So my little crystallites it's time to say goodbye, and remember every time you laugh a baby dies (not really). Anyways guys peace out! <3

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