Chapter 16: Back To New York

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They've given me just enough money to get by, for food. But everything else I've had to buy with my own money.

Those same words kept racing through my mind. How could anyone treat such a sweet girl so horribly? I just couldn't believe it! After the whole coincidence, I drove her home in silence. Once we got to her house I bid her goodbye and resisted the impulse to go in there and knock people senseless. Once I got back home Alex teased me saying things such as, does someone have a crush? Or, the tension between you two was so thick I could cut it with a knife. I of course, ignored him and sprinted up the stairs to take a shower. While soaking in the warm water all I could think about was how soft and delicate Everly's lips were. I knew that I shouldn't get too attached to her considering I'd be leaving to go back to New York in a few months. Besides, she still had another year of school left and there would be no way that we could be together. But that didn't stop me from falling in love with her. There I said it. I was in love with her. We hadn't known each other very long but that short amount of time was the happiest I'd ever been. I finished my shower and once I got back to my room I saw that I had a missed call from my father. But first I decided to text Everly.

I enjoyed today. Maybe we can do it again sometime?

I know. It was risky but totally worth it. I could imagine her blush right now. I called back my father reluctantly but immediately regretted it.

How is it, in Arizona?

It's great, actually. I replied confidently

That's nice but you need to come back to New York over the holidays. I want you to meet my new girlfriend.

Oh yeah. Did I mention that he also hopped from girl to girl? They only stayed for a few months because my dad would find a new woman.

Let me guess. I don't have a choice? I growled.

Don't take that tone with me. Also yes, you have to come. I want you here in three weeks. I already got your plane ticket. Tell your brother I said hello. And I hope that he comes with you. I have a ticket for him as well if he wants to join us. Goodbye.

After I finished the phone call I looked and saw that Everly had texted back.

Possibly :P

Then suddenly I had an idea. What if I took her with me to New York?

"ALEX!" I yelled running down the stairs.

"What?" He replied peeking his head around the corner.

"Dad called."

"Oh. What did he say?"

"He wants you and me to go home and meet his new girl."

"I'm not going." He replied defiantly.

"Please. Just think about it... Besides I'm asking Everly to go with me."

"What!" He squealed spitting out his drink.

"I'm asking Everly to go with me. Besides she knows our full story now. So there's nothing to hide from her. Why not take her with?"

"Fine, I'll go if she does..."

"Are you sure you're not the one with the crush." I teased wiggling my eyebrows.


I wanted to punch him.

"She's mine," I grumbled low enough so he wouldn't hear.

"What was that?"


"Okayyy. Now if you don't mind. I'm going to bed." And with that, he walked up the stairs to his room.


Hey, babycakes I have a question I need to ask you tomorrow. I texted her, confidence shooting through the roof.


Also, I wanted to say, about earlier

It's fine I don't regret anything.

Well, that's a relief. I quite enjoyed it. Now I need my sleep. Goodnight beauty. There I left her on a cliffhanger.



I woke up the next morning cheerfully. Today was the day I would ask Beauty to go to New York with me. I dressed in a green V-neck shirt that matched a special someone's eyes with some dark blue jeans and black Converse. After grabbing a granola bar I sped out the door and into the black Porsche. Then I drove to Everly's house to bring her to school.

"Surprise! I'm picking you up today!"

"K-Karson?" She muttered groggily.

"Yes, it's me now get in the car. It's time for school."

I smirked at her appearance it seems she had only just woke up. She had on a purple sweater and pink sweatpants. Her clothes were miss-matched and I thought it was adorable. I looked her up and down and she scowled.


"Did you just grab the first things you found in your closet?"

"So what if I did." She replied smirking.

I was taken aback.

"Huh. I don't have a response to that."

"That's what I thought. Now are we going to school or not?"

"Yeah, get in." I chuckled.


"Well aren't you wide awake this morning." She asked after minutes of silence.

"And I see you're not."

"I'm a late riser."

"I can tell."

"What can I say, I need my beauty sleep. Now enough making fun of my sleeping patterns. What was that question you were so urgent to ask me?"

"Oh, right I almost forgot about that," I chuckled. Of course, I didn't forget. I was sweating bullets. "Everly Annalore," I stopped realizing it sounded like I was asking her out. "WillyougotoNewYorkwithmethiswinterbreak?" I rushed out.

"Wh-What?" She gawked at me.

"Will you go with me to New York during winter break? My dad wants me to go home and meet his flavor of the month and I-I don't think I can go alone. And Alex doesn't want to go so... Do you want to go with me? And I'll obviously pay for everything." I pleaded with her.

"Of course."

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