Chapter 3

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A little later, I made it to a room with a tree surrounded by red flowers. I heard Toriel's voice come from the other side of the room.

"Oh dear. That took longer than I thought it would." She started to call me, but noticed me standing there and stopped. She ran over to me, looking rather worried. "How did you get here my child? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine," I said. "It-it's just, you were taking so long and..."

"It's alright," she said. "I shouldn't have left you alone for so long either..." She paused. "It was wrong of me to surprise you like this. Err..." It seemed like she didn't mean to say that last thought out loud. Toriel sighed. "Well, I suppose that I can not hide it any longer. Come, small one!" she said gently.

We then walked even more, towards the other side of the room. I noticed that she was walking towards a small, brick house on the other side. It was so tiny and cute! With a garden of more red flowers in the front. There was also one other thing I noticed. My feet were really starting to hurt!

"Do you smell that?" Toriel asked when we walked into the well lit house. I sniffed for a moment before the scent hit me. My eyes lit up at the heavenly smell.

"Butterscotch!" Toriel smiled.

"Exactly! It's butterscotch pie! I made it to celebrate your arrival! I want you to have a nice time living here!" Wait, what? "So I will hold off on snail pie for tonight." She clapped her hands together. "Here! I have another surprise!" She held my hand, gently guiding to the hallway on the right.

I was thinking though, about what she said about living here. I really, really did want to stay here, with someone who cared for me. But I did have others who cared for me. My family. And with as much time as I had spent down here, they would have noticed my absence and were probably worried sick. Before I had a chance to voice my feelings, Toriel spoke again.

"A room of your very own! I hope you like it." She paused. "Is something burning...??? Uh, make yourself at home." She smoothed my hair down and kissed the top of my head like a mother would, then hurried away to where I assumed the kitchen was. I watched her go, a little sad. I hated the thought of hurting anyone and she seemed so nice....

I decided to sleep on it, considering how tired I was. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.


When I woke up next, the first thing I noticed was the smell of butterscotch. I sat up on the bed, looking around the room. In the middle of the room, was a plate of butterscotch pie with a fork. Next to it was a note from Toriel.

I noticed you were asleep and didn't want to wake you, so I just left the pie here. Enjoy, my child.


I smiled to myself before picking up the pie. I ate the pie as I walked out, looking for Toriel. I followed the hall to the living room, where Toriel sat, reading a book called, 72 Uses for Snails! She looked up as I walked in.

"Oh! You're up early, my child! I hope I didn't wake you!" I shook my head.

"No, you didn't."

"Good," she smiled. "That reminds me, you'll be starting school around 9."


"Well, I just think, since you're staying here, you should learn about us and get a good education," Toriel explained. "Also, I've kinda always wanted to be a teacher." She chuckled to herself and went back to reading her book. I took a breath to help me prepare for what I had to do.

"U-um... Toriel?"

"Yes, child? What is it?"

"... When can I go home?" She looked shocked for a moment. When she recovered, she spoke shakily.

"B-but... This is your home how." She then tried to change the subject. "Um, do you want to hear about this book?"

"Toriel, please," I said. "My family is probably worried by now. I don't want to make them worry any more than I have to." She was silent for a while. When she did talk, it was quiet and serious.

"Do you really want to leave me?"

"Well... No, but I just have people to get back to."

"... I see." She stood up. "Then come, my child." She took my hand, for what I felt was the last time and gently lead me down the staircase I had seen earlier. It was a quiet walk, and the tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. When she stopped, it was in front of a large door, like the one that lead to the RUINS. She stopped in front of it, then turned to face me.

"This is the door to get to the surface. You'll have to cross the barrier to get back to the surface. Once you leave though, you won't be able to come back I'm afraid."

"Y... You're letting me go?" Toriel nodded.

"Yes," she said. "Though I'm sad to see you go my child, I do not want to keep you down here, where you'll be miserable. I'd hate to see that happen." I felt like crying, which I actually did. I hated goodbyes with a passion. "Please don't cry, child, or I'm going to cry." Toriel bent down to wrap me in a large, warm hug. I hugged back, crying on her shoulder. "It will be alright," she soothed, though I could tell she was near tears herself. "Just, say hello to the sun for me, okay?" I nodded silently.

Toriel patted my head down one more time before releasing me. "Go my child. There will be others who will help protect you," she said. "They will help you on your journey to your home. May you be happy for as long as you live." She kissed my forehead and walked back towards her small, now empty home.

I stood there, in the doorway, trying to compose myself. When I did, I held my head high and walked through the archway.

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