Chapter 6

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Now I know what you're thinking. "You're dead! How can you still be writing this??" Well, I'm not a ghost, I'm not alive either though. I know that much at least. I'm something in between. Something like a SOUL without a body.

I don't remember much after I was killed though. I do know that someone put me into a jar of sorts though. I remember being surrounded by pools of energy, seeing their colors even though I didn't have eyes. There were two other energies, one light blue, the other orange. The more I looked at the energies, I realized they looked like hearts.

No, SOULS, I thought to myself.

W-who's there??

I wanted to scream when I heard the female voice, only I didn't have vocal cords anymore. So the best I could do was mentally shout. WHO IS THAT???

Did a monster kill you too?? Are you a human??

Um... I grew panicked. I couldn't remember what I was. I felt like I should have known it, but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I-I don't know...

Well, then you must be human, a male voice replied. Monsters remember their names but humans don't.

I-I don't remember anything, I admitted, scared. I-I don't even remember my name.

It's okay, the female replied. You'll get used to it. Trust me.

We still have to call her something, Patience.

You're right Bravery. How about Integrity?

It fits, Bravery said.

What do you think?

I... I think that was my name.

Then Integrity it is.


I stayed there, for what felt like years, in that state. I still wasn't sure if Integrity was my real name, but I couldn't remember what it was. Even if I did remember something, it would slip away from my grasp when I tried to hold onto it. Others came after me, three others, Kindness, Perseverance, and Justice, each in states of confusion like the rest of us. No one could remember their names, what they look like, or anything before becoming SOULs. Justice said she knew me from before, but I didn't know. I didn't know anything.

One day though, I felt something... familiar. It was a monster SOUL, but it didn't seem like the one who always came around, the one with guilt and sorrow filling his. This one seemed more... kind. His soul was like Patience, but with flecks of yellow flashing sometimes. He seemed sad, even though the day seemed bright. Then again, every day seemed bright when you were a disembodied SOUL.

I didn't realize he was even there until he had started talking. Though, I couldn't quite hear what he was saying. It came in fragments that made it hard to tell what they were trying to say. He said something about being sorry and wishes. He touched the jar that I was in, and I felt something start to pull at me. It wasn't like my SOUL was being manipulated, it was more of something was drawing me towards his hand.

It didn't last long though, because the monster pulled his hand away before long. I was sad when he did so. The feeling was warm compared to the coldness the room often held. When he went away, I went back into the corner I usually sat in. Justice started to talk to me though.

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