Chapter 14 (Part 2)

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The next day, we headed to the Christmas party Toriel was throwing. We weren't the first to arrive and the floor beneath the tree was full of presents. I didn't recognized the music that was playing though. I asked Sans about it. He said most likely, it was the music Napstablook had written. Everyone was talking, sometimes dancing if they had the urge, but there was nothing too crazy happening. Sans and I were sitting next to each other on the couch when Justine walked over.

"Hey you two. Having fun?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. "You?"

"Yeah. How was your little sleepover?"

"Fun, we stayed up most of the night playing video games though."

"Right. 'Video games.'" Justine joked. I blushed.

"We were!"

"I know, I know. I'm just messing with you." I chuckled.

"Have you seen Mettaton by the way?" Sans asked.

"He's somewhere around here with Napstablook." Justine looked at him suspiciously. "Why?"

"I haven't seen him come yet."

"Right," she said.

"No, I mean it," Sans said. "He's usually the first one here, but he hasn't shown up yet."

"That is strange," She admitted.

"That's the point." Justine looked around, probably for Mettaton.

"Maybe he's not going to show up?" I suggested.

"No way. With Napstablook here, he's going to show up at some point."

"Well, could you go find him for me? I wanted to ask him something," I asked.

"What do you want to ask him?"

"I don't want to tell you."

"Fine. I'll let you know if I see him."

"Thanks." She walked off to see if she could find Mettaton.

Soon enough, Mettaton walked over, carrying some boxes.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sans and I are actually going out on a date date and I don't like the clothes I have. I was wondering if you could help me pick something out." Justine then walked over. "Oh, hey Justine," I said.

"Hi. So what were you talking about?"

"Well, I wanted to get some new clothes and I needed Mettaton's help."

"Of course she would! I know how to make anyone look absolutely fabulous!" Justin laughed.

"Why do you need new clothes?" she asked.

"Well Sans and I are actually going out on a date date and I don't have good clothes."

"That makes sense."

"Alright everyone! Time to open presents!" Toriel called. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Sans said.

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