Chapter 8

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I had fallen asleep in the back of the car on the way back to Alphy's lab. Even though it was only around noon, I was still tired. I had fallen asleep on Sans's shoulder while Frisk sat up front. No one said anything for a while. They just let the silence drag on, knowing I didn't feel like talking. Sans carried me out of the car, since my legs were too tired to support my weight. Not that I cared though.

We passed the other humans; Percy, Kimmy, and Justine, on the way to the to my room. I didn't pay much attention though, I was crying. Kimmy and Justine ran over to me, looking worried.

"What happened??" Kimmy asked.

"I won't explain," Sans said. "Harmony will explain if she wants to."

"May I at least take her to her room?" Kimmy asked. Sans hesitated, debating on whether or not it would be a good idea. "Please?" Kimmy pushed. "It might be better if she talked about it with other girls."

"... Fine." Sans brought me to another room, one I guessed was Justine's, and set me on the bed. He stood by the door until Kimmy shooed him away. They then sat on opposite sides of me.

"Harmony?" Kimmy asked. "Are you okay?" I shrugged.

"What happened with your parents?" Justine asked. I stayed quiet. "Harmony?"

"... They replaced me."

"Replaced you?" Kimmy asked. "How could anyone replace you?"

"They had another daughter," I said quietly. "They gave her my name."

"Those fuckers," Justine growled.

"Language, Justine," Kimmy warned. Justine sighed.

"I... shouldn't be surprised..."

"What? Why??"

"I caused them a lot of pain before," I muttered. "They always had fights because of me and they were even getting a divorce because of how much money it took to keep me. They fought a lot because neither one of them wanted to keep me."

"Well they're idiots," Justine said.

"That can't be your fault. You're one of the sweetest people I know," Kimmy said with a hug. I hugged back and Justine joined in the hug.

"Thanks guys..."

"We're always here if you need to talk," Kimmy said.

"And I'll be here if you need a gun," Justine added. I laughed a little. Kimmy and Justine smiled at me and I smiled back. For the first time in a long time, I actually felt better. Like a heavy load had been taken off my shoulders.

"Need anything else?" Kimmy asked. I thought for a moment.

"Well, I'll need a new home."

"Why not here? Toriel has plenty of rooms," Justine offered. I sniffled a little.

"I'd actually really like that," I said.

"Do you have anything?" Kimmy asked. I shook my head.

"No, more than likely, they threw everything out when I disappeared."

"Well if you think of something, I can see if I can find it," Justine said.

"Thanks Justine," I responded. She nodded.

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