Chapter 4

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As soon as I walked through the door, the coldness hit me like a wall. I was glad I still had my jacket with me. I clutched my jacket closer to me and examined my surroundings. The whole ground was covered in snow, but the darkness caused by the thousands of trees surrounding me made it hard to see where I was going, or if anyone was there. Though, I could clearly see the path that had been cleared of snow.

I started my way down the path, hoping that it would lead me to somewhere warm. I also hoped that there was food. The slice of pie that Toriel had made me hadn't given me much energy and I was starting to get hungry again. The trees that surrounded the path were too tall to see if they had tops, even though snow was falling.

Along the way, I came across a very large stick. It was too heavy for me to pick up and it was also frozen to the ground. I carefully stepped over it, making sure I didn't slip on my ballet shoes. I walked away from the branch. I heard it branch snap behind me not a few meters away from it.

I turned around, to see who was there, but there was nothing there. Only a branch snapped clean in two. I shook my head.

It must have been your imagination, I told myself. There's no one else out here... Right?

I kept walking along the path, no on alert. I didn't know if the monsters out here were dangerous or if they wanted to kill me. Nor did I want to find out. Soon enough, I got the feeling I was being followed. I could have sworn I heard footsteps behind me, though my own footsteps echoing off the trees could have been what I was hearing. When I heard the next branch snap, I didn't hesitate to run. And I kept running until I got to the bridge.

I stopped just before I hit the bridge. I clutched my trembling fists to my chest. I can do this! I can confront him! I can scare him off! I turned to face whoever was following me.

"Hey! Stop following me! Don't be a pervert!"

"... I'm not a pervert," the voice said. It sounded like a male's voice. "Don't you know how to greet a new pal? You're supposed to shake hands." There was a hand that was extended. "Come on, shake my hand. I don't bite." I slowly grabbed the things hand.

As soon as I did, there was a sound of fart.

I just stood there, trying to comprehend what happened, as the figure started to laugh hysterically. I looked at him while he laughed. He wore a plain white shirt that seemed to hang on him. His black pants didn't really seem to fit either. The closer I looked at him, I understood why. He was skeleton.

"Hehe," he said when he finally stopped laughing. "The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny. Anyways, you're a human, right?"

"Well I don't know what else I would be," I retorted. "I'm certainly not a Who-man." The skeleton laughed.

"Good pun!" He stopped laughing and turned to face me. "Anyway, I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton."


"Nice to meet you Harmony." We shook hands again, this time with no jokes. "I'm actually supposed to be on the lookout for humans right now. But... y'know... I don't really care for capturing anyone."


"Yeah," Sans said. "It's not really my style. But, uh, my brother, Papyrus now... He's a human-hunting FANATIC."

"What will happen if I'm captured?" I asked. Sans shrugged.

"More than likely you'll be sent to the castle. No one comes back from there though."

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