Chapter 12

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I woke up in the middle of the night. No one woke me up, I just had a bad nightmare. I won't say what is was though. It's not something anyone should know about. I knew that Frisk had similar nightmares from what Toriel told me. I looked over to see Frisk and Justine on one of the mattresses while Undyne and Alphys cuddled on the other. I looked away after a bit, feeling myself near tears again. Tears wouldn't help Harmony come back. I needed to stop crying.

In order to try to get myself to calm down, I decided to splash my face with some water. I walked to the kitchen in silence. The entire lab was silent due to the fact that everyone was asleep. After splashing myself with some water, I got a glass of water and headed back to the living room. I was taking a drink when I walked in. I frowned, looking around. Something didn't seem right. I started counting heads. One... two..... Oh shit. I dropped the glass, which shattered on contact with the ground. As soon as it did, Undyne jumped up, her spear appearing in her hands.

"Who's there?!" She looked around. Undyne relaxed when she say me. "Oh Sans, it's just you. But what was-"

"Frisk and Justine are gone!" I shouted at her. "What the hell happened?!"

"What a-are you talking ab-about...?" Alphys asked sleepily. "They're right..." Her voice died as she looked at the empty mat. "O-oh g-g-god..."

"Where did they go?!" Undyne shouted.

"They were here when I went to wash my face," I said, "and then when I come back, they're gone! What happened?!"

"I didn't hear anything!" Undyne yelled. "How could it have gotten them and not make a sound!"

"T-they must h-have be-been als-asleep," Alphys said. "Oh m-my gosh, th-they must b-be so s-scared!"

"Shit!" Undyne cursed. "What are we supposed to tell Toriel?!"

"I don't know!" I shouted. "They were still here when I left and they were gone when I got back! So who's fault is it?!"

"Don't blame me!" Undyne snapped. "You should have noticed something was wrong when you went to wash your face you-you bonehead!"

"Well you should have-"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Me and Undyne blinked, hearing Alphys shout. I wasn't even sure she could yell. She was so quiet and shy, her getting actually angry was a change. "We shouldn't even be fighting! All the other fallen humans have been kidnapped by something that we can't even see! We need to find out where they went and then maybe fight after we get them back! They could be in trouble or worse! We need to help them, not bicker like children!" Alphys was panting slightly by the time she finished.

"R-right," I said, starting to regret the entire fight. I was just angry at myself and taking it out on someone else. "Sorry Undyne. I was just..."

"Nah," she interrupted. "I understand. I was doing the same."

"I-I'm so sorry for s-shouting like tha-that," Alphys apologized.

"We needed that Alphys," I said. "Don't worry about it."

"We do need to figure out how to track them though," Undyne said. "Is there any way to track where it went?" Alphys thought for a moment.

"I-I think s-so. B-but it inv-volves Mettaton."

"Then call him," Undyne said. "You and Sans start whatever it is you're planning."

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