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A flaming red cat floated through the starry sky. He looked down at the young cat that his dream was about. De firecat concentrated and let the bright crystal on his head light up. The spots of the sleeping cat suddenly lit up like flames. "Its him... He is the fire.." The firecat flew down to the earth and landed next to the young kittypet. He watched it's collar, 'Rommel' was written on his penning. "That must be the name his twolegs gave him.." the Firecat thought. He let his crystal light up again, and this time, a white flame appeared on the kittypet's forehead. When the crystal stopped glowing, it disappeared again. The firecat nodded content. "He will be the one to do it, Starclan chose him." Then he lifted his head to the sky. 

"The Tiger will let the river flow past its edges, but there will be a Flame's little Fire that will save the clans..."

Warriors(the Fire Rises): Choises (English version)Where stories live. Discover now