Chapter 7

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The young tom ran and ran through the fields. He ran as if his life depended on it, which actually was kind of true, as Tigerstripe had chased his tail until he had crossed the border. It just isnt fair! I didn't kill him! Blinded by his tears, he fell into a ditch. There, he didn't stand up. He just layed still, while tears streamed down his face.

 Why didn't Snowstar believe me? Why did Tigerclaw do it? Why did I deserve all this?

The small tom lied his muzzle between his paws and thought. What am I supposed to do now? I must be in the land of outcasts by now... The land of bloodthirsty rogues and other wild monsters.  He looked up at the sky, even though he couldn't see much of it because of his tears. 

What should I do now? I definitely can't stay here. Should I go back to my housefolk? No, it's been a moon, they probably won't remember me, or have gotten a new cat. And I feel so free. Would one of the other clans take me in as an apprentice? No, probably not.. And I don't even know who I am anymore! What's my name? Firepaw? Rommel? Do I even have one?


He looked up and saw a yellowish glow in front of him. Slowly the flaming red Firecat from his dreams appeared. "T-the Firecat?" he asked with disbelief. "Am I dreaming again?" 

"You were never dreaming, Firepaw. My name is Spark, and I am here for you." He touched Firepaw gently. "Don't give up because you fell, but get up and try again."

With Spark's help, Firepaw slowly stood up. He looked at Spark. "Why are you helping me? What do I need to try again? Do you want me to go back? But I cant go back!"

"Why not?" Spark asked, while washing his paw.

Firepaw fidgeted on his paws. "They think that I killed Goldenpelt. Snowstar banished me and has given all her warriors permission to kill me if i go back! Do you want that?!"

But Spark stepped towards Firepaw. "Firepaw, you have to go back. It's your destiny. The survival of the four clans is in your paws!!!"

Firepaw was confused. "What do you mean with that?"

"Tigerstripe.. he has killed Stonestar, and every Waveclan-warrior that tried to stop him, to take over the clan. He became their leader and tonight, he will fight a battle with Fireclan, and without you, he will win. After that it won't be hard for him to get to the other two clans then."

Firepaw looked away. "But I can't defeat him.. I'm nothing more than a newborn kit compared to him. No, I'm a weak kittypet.."

"You are not  a weak kittypet. You might not be a great leader like him, but you are not alone." Spark led Firepaw to a small pool of water and let him look in it. "Tell me, what do you see?"

Firepaw looked down and saw his reflection. "Nothing special.. I see a dirty, weak outcast that doesnt have a home, nor a name, who's known for being a traitor and a dangerous murderer.."

But Spark nudget him again. "Look closer..."

So Firepaw bowed down to get closer. He still saw himself, but when a raindrop hit the water he looked at the water with surprise. He saw himself as a proud, adult tom cat. He was brave, a legend, he was a warrior...

Firepaw looked back at Spark. "Is that me? But how is that possible?"

The Firecat walked around Firepaw. "Remember when Snowstar said you had warrior blood? Well, she wasn't lying. Tell me, what do you remember about your parents?"

Firepaw thought for a while. "My mother was a light ginger she-cat named Simba. I had one brother named Dusty and two sisters named Sparky and..." he hesitated.

"And?" Spark asked him.

"I don't quite remember her, after only a few days she was just gone. Probably died, but mom probably didn't want to tell us. She did have a strange name, kind of like my father... And my mom used to tell me about the clans.. I think I remember..." then he realized. "Starclan! Mij mom told us that our father was a clan cat! So he was a?...."

"A warrior?" Spark asked. "Yes, he was. And a great one... His name was Flamefur, a real warrior of Fireclan. You should ask Snowstar to tell about him someday, they were good friends."

Firepaw stood up. "Alright, I'll go back." But then he lost his courage again. "But I still don't know how to defeat him..." he said, worried.

Spark stepped in front of him, and bowed forward. "I will be with you, all of us will. The Stars will fight with you, so now accept our power..." Spark touched Firepaw's nose, and everything became white in a flash. When the light faded away to a night sky, Firepaw was shocked. Five cats appeared in front of him. They were all a bit translucent, and they were lit up by the glowing stars that sparkled in their fur. As if it was magic, Firepaw suddenly knew their names.





And Flamefur.

Then there was another flash of light and all five Starclan warriors were suddenly bright flames circling around Firepaw's head. He tried to get away at first, but then it felt safe. Then the sound of a fire, and all the glowing lights flashed towards Firepaw.

The Fire will rise again...

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