Chapter 5

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"Wake up, kittypet!" Tigerstripe nudged Firepaw with irritation, who woke up startled. "Help! What's happening?!"

Nightpaw watched him with irritation as well. "It's only Tigerstripe, mouse dung!" 

Firepaw looked behind him and saw the large tabb sitting in the entrance of the apprentices den. "Oh.. sorry..." he whispered embarrassed. 

Tigerstripe rolled his eyes. Only then, Firepaw noticed that Patchtail, Nightpaw's mentor, was also sitting in the entrance. Nightpaw is going to train with us?! He thought, shocked. Now that's gonna go well..

Tigerclaw and Patchtail stood up, and together with them and Nightpaw, Firepaw walked out of the camp. He stayed behind them silently. My first day, and I'm already screwing it up!  Yesterday Snowstar had appointed Tigerstripe as Firepaw's mentor, but Firepaw wasn't so sure wether he liked that or not. Tigerstripe didn't seem so nice, actually, Firepaw thought he was a bit scary...

Firepaw followed the three cats through the bushes. He watched Nightpaw, who sat down to groom herself for a bit. Patchtail noticed her and growled: "Keep walking, Nightpaw! We're on a hunt now, you'll get your time for grooming when we're back in the camp!" 

Nightpaw stood up, growling and whispered: "I'm coming, muddy hair all..." 

But Patchtail had heard her and looked at her angrily. "Listen up, apprentice! You don't get to call me names like that! I am your mentor, you should show some more respect!" Nightpaw growled a few words, but then she stayed quiet.

Firepaw walked next to her. "Why can't you just be nice to Patchtail, Nightpaw?"

Nightpaw flattened her ears. "Why should I? Why should you even be allowed to know? Its none of your business." 

But Firepaw noticed something was wrong. "I know you don't like me because I used to be a kittypet, but can't you at least try to get to know me before saying I'm not nice? What happened to you that made you so rude!"

Nightpaw froze for a second, but then continued walking. "Like I said, it's none of your business."

Firepaw was disappointed, but tried again. "Are you sure that you-"

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!!" she yowled at him.

Tigerstripe noticed their fight and quickly stepped between them. "Hey hey! Stop it, you two! You should spare your energy for the training." he growled irritated, before continuing the patrol with Patchtail.

Nightpaw followed them, growling. Firepaw sighed and stayed quiet. Then he looked around, and for the first time really saw how beautiful the forest could be. The sun lit up the leaves, cast shadows on the ground and made the hidden colors of the forest appear. Firepaw looked around with awe, but Nightpaw looked at him, she clearly wasn't amused. "What are you looking at, the forest isn't that special."

Firepaw looked at her, he didn't understand her. "What do you mean, it's my first time seeing the forest like this!"

"Well, that's not my problem.." Nightpaw said.

Firepaw was confused. "Alright... never mind then..." 

Suddenly Tigerstripe crouched down. Patchtail and Nightpaw did the same. Firepaw looked at them with confusion. "What are you-"

"SSSHHHH!" Tigerstripe whispered. "Shut up and follow our lead, before you'll chase all the prey away!"

Quickly, Firepaw crouched down as well. Tigerstripe looked around, then nodded to Nightpaw, who slowly crept forward. The two mentors stayed behind with Firepaw, while Nightpaw was preparing to pounce on the prey. She waited for a few second, and then leaped forward, claws sheathed. "Got it!!" she called happily, before proudly trotting back onto the clearing with her prey, a grey mouse. 

"Well done, Nightpaw!" Patchtail complimented her. The black she-cat looked proud, the first time that Firepaw had seen her so happy. He felt sadness take over him.

"Why can't I be your friend?"

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