Chapter 8: The Palace

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Erik kept his promise and stopped by early in the morning to collect me. He greeted Nadir at the door, then came to the wicker chair where I stared at him languidly. Nadir hired a "nanny"-I can't recall the exact word he used to call her-to take care of Reza while he joined Erik and myself to the Khanum's palace.

Erik stepped towards me while Nadir spoke once more with the nanny. I realized that as my que. I could have walked beside them both, but I honestly did not feel like ruining the pads of my paws on the rough gravel today, so I begged, rubbing myself against Erik's legs.

"She likes you," comments Nadir with audible surprise.

"What does she want?"

I gaze up at him adoringly, purring as loudly as possible. Not working. Time for phase two. I stretch vertically, gently pawing against his trouser leg.

"For you to pick her up, I suspect."

"I'm not carrying her," retorts Erik. "Khan, you grab her."

Knowing to never argue with Erik, Khan rolls his eyes before taking a step towards me. I hiss and claw back.

Khan sighs. "Erik, just pick up the cat."


"Why not?"

Erik stares at Khan, incredulous. "Me? The Angel of Death? Carrying a cat!? Please, Daroga. I'll lose my image, and then the Khanum will be more vengeful than a vulture!"

"Erik!" Khan yells, patience lost. "Just pick up the cat."

Erik's displeasure rolls off him in waves. He glares at me. I mew sweetly. "Fine."

I leap into his arms, eager for his...chilling embrace. He really is cold. I snuggle against his chest, purring contentedly.

"See? She wants you, Erik."

Erik stiffly turns, murmuring a curt, "Let's go."

It's so early, there are still a few stars left in the sky. The morning is busy, but not nearly as hectic as it is during the afternoon. The town is calm, but the laughter of children can be heard as they chase each other across the dirt. The weather is chilly, dewy almost. I can feel the water collect in my fur, thankfully Erik's clothed arms are keeping me warm. I observe the markets while Khan and Erik chat aimlessly. There's a fish market, a bakery, a fruit market, a cloth market, and...a mirror market. That reminds me...

Erik's voice lulled me to sleep last night. I had a chaotic day, so I was already fatigued, but his lullaby knocked me out in seconds. I wobbled over to the couch, barely able to claw my way up the side (I couldn't gather the energy to leap), curled up into a ball, and snoozed like a baby.

I guess in this case, a kitten.

I remember having the strangest dream, however. I was human. And I was back home and in my century. My house was how it always looked, except all the mirrors were smashed. I was determined to see my body, to know I was actually present. I eventually found one in our yard out back. The grass was covered in rose petals, some gold and crinkly, others blood red and fresh. I walked up to the mirror, and when I gazed at my visage-horror! I tried to scream, but I couldn't manage a gurgle. Half my face was that of a cat, the other half my human self. Then the gypsy lady appeared behind me. "Soon," she whispers. "Soon, you shall be seen."

I woke up after that.

Half an hour later, I was debating whether it was just a useless dream or if it was a message sent from the gypsy herself. I'm hoping it's the former. I don't wish to see her face so close to mine.

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