Chapter 16

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The maroon dragoness did not wait another moment before she launched towards me. Instinctively, I ducked out of the way before rising into the air. As to be expected, the maroon dragoness followed me. But trailing behind her were two other dragons.

One was a bright yellow drake, who's flank was marred with scars. Even his wings appeared battered, the membrane torn at some points. Yet that did not seem to slow him down; he was trailing the maroon dragoness at a reasonable pace - and I knew that he would still be able to go much faster.

But it was the dragon just behind him that held my attention. Another dragoness - this one much bigger than the first. Unlike the drake, I could not glimpse even a trace of a scar on her lustrous white flank. Yet I knew better than to think she was inexperienced at fighting dragons. If anything, she was better than the scarred, yellow drake.

Three dragons. Three dragons I would have to hold off against if I wished to remain free. And, that would likely become more than three dragons, especially if I did manage to get rid of the dragons behind us.

Doubt knotted in my stomach as I regarded the three dragons carefully. If I'd just been fighting the maroon dragoness, I would have stood a chance. More than a chance. But with two dragons, both bigger and more experienced than I?

If we were to remain alive, we'd have to flee. But that wasn't an option, since Kronx couldn't fly. Unless...

I peered at the three dragons behind me, before focusing on the other dragons which were all controlled by humans. Perhaps we could flee, if we drew the humans away from Kronx - giving him time to hide.

"Rutilus! Terraz!" I roared over the breeze, not waiting to see if either drake had so much as glanced in my direction. "Follow me!"

Before the humans realised what I was doing, I tucked my wings closer to my flank and dived down rapidly. Wind rushed past my scales as I rapidly gained momentum. Only a matter of seconds had passed before I spread my wings, gliding on the breeze.

Behind me, I could hear the vague shouts of humans trying to communicate to each other over the roar of the wind and the snarls of the dragons. Tilting my head slightly, I tried to listen to their commands and directions, but to my complete frustration, I could only just make out their voices - not the words.

With a powerful beat of my wings, I peered over my shoulder. The three dragons following me remained hot on my trail. But, as I'd hoped, Rutilus and Terraz were heading towards me as well, and with them, were most of the dragons controlled by humans.

Only three remained near Kronx and Mayek, and I allowed myself to relax. Both would be capable of fighting three dragons, even if the ancient drake was flightless. They were safe - for now.

Hopefully, that would stay that way. But in order for that to happen... My eyes narrowed. I would have to lead the humans far away. Perhaps by the time I flew far enough, they'd be to weary to fight. Or maybe I'd be able to fly away fast enough to find a place to hide for myself.

Intent on my new goal, I beat my wings rapidly - yet remained careful to keep them fairly close to my flank. As close they could go, whilst maintaining the same height.

Several long minutes passed. Any other time, I might have relaxed - marvelling at my speed. Yet I remained intent on trying to fly faster and lose the humans that were surely close behind. Even now, I could hear the wing-beats of the dragons they rode jarring through the air. A constant reminder of how close I was to capture.

But I would not be captured. All I had to do was out fly them, and I was safe. A feat that I'd accomplished numerous times before.

Yet again, I dared peek behind me. The humans were still uncomfortably close, but slightly further away than they had been. There were nowhere near as many of them as there had been - more than half had disappeared, leaving only four dragons chasing me. I couldn't help but notice, that the scarred, yellow drake was no longer in sight.

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