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I closed the door behind me softly as I made my way back to the living room. My heart felt heavy but I didn't know what else I could do. Besides, she'd been ignoring me all week so I don't know what she expected from me.

"Who was that?" Claire asked wrapping herself up in my sheets with a cig in her hand.

"Talia," I thought about lying but didn't have the energy to. I watched her face curl as she took a long drag.

"Well, what'd she want?" She plopped down next to me. I wondered how far she was from my floor or if she'd even left the building yet.

Ignoring Claire I hopped up and slide into the sweats that lied on the floor next to me. I half jogged down the hallway to the elevator. I pressed the down button but figured it'd take too long. The stairs were to my left and I've never ran down them so quickly.

The lobby was empty but I still searched every hall until I was at the main entrance. Outside was the sticky and loud as my eyes searched the slightly crowded sidewalks. I walked out to the curb to take one last look and still saw nothing. She was gone.

I thought about how's she left me the last time I saw her. How I watched her leave confused. I felt a pit of guilt in my stomach. I could tell she'd been conflicted and I didn't do anything. Hell, I could even tell she wasn't okay when she was standing right in front of me and I STILL didn't do anything.

Maybe this was for the best. Maybe I was wrong for even approaching her on our very first night. Maybe I wasn't ready to be pulled into this sea of newness, exportation, of love. And maybe she wasn't ready to either.

I turned around and started back towards my building. My hand was fisted as I pushed the up button on the panel for the elevator. I just needed a break from all of this. From the city in general.

The ding from the elevator door brought me back to reality and out of my head. When I looked up I saw her. Mascara smeared down her face, sitting in the corner as if she'd been there long.

"Oh my God," I breathed rushing over to her. She looked up and covered her face as soon as she saw me. I tried to push them away but she swatted me off. "Natalia, what's wrong?" I tried to stay calm but I was no good for emotional support, I never have been. But right now, in this moment I wanted nothing more than to make her okay.

"Everything," her voice was weak and brittle.

"How long has it been since you've slept?" I asked kneeling before her.

"I don't know," she inhaled between stifles. I watched her wipe her eyes and sat down next to her. "I feel like I'm losing my damn mind. I'm so overwhelmed by everything," she spoke catching her breath. "I just want things to go back to how they were before."

"Before what?" I asked tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

Talia- KING PRINCESS FANFIC (finished)Where stories live. Discover now