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<Hurry> I sent back quickly before someone found me tucked away in my closet. I lifted myself, putting my phone in my pocket before trying to stand back up.

It felt like I had been sitting there for hours before attempting to move. I tried pulling myself up using my back and the walls but it was impossible. My body was heavy and I could barely speak. This high was nothing like the last time.

I remembered walking around for hours with this boiling ball of energy piercing through me. I could talk without stuttering and felt like my feet could leave the ground with every step I took. This time I just wanted to cry and scream, I was pissed and I was scared and I couldn't find anyone that cared.

My apartment was filled with strangers and I wondered how things got so far. Amandla came over earlier after we left the beach house, then a few of our other friends. But I don't see anyone I know.

"Hey, watch yourself," a strange man shot avlook at me as I stumbled into him. "Damn what are you on," I caught myself on his shoulders as he stood to help me get balanced.

"No idea," I cried stumbling away. "Amandla?!" I shouted over the music. "Amandla! Where'd you go?" I cried as I felt hands grab my waist.

I turned around and Talia was standing there drenched. Her grip was powerful and her face was serious as she draped my arm over her shoulders to hold me up. We walked down the hallway and headed into the bathroom. It was in the back of the apartment and more quiet than the closet floor I had resided on.

"Hey, look at me," her hand was directing my face in the direction of her but my eyes wouldn't focus.

"I'm trying," I cried as tears blurred my vision even more. She sat me down on the toilet seat as she ran her thumbs under my eyes collecting the tears that'd just fell.

"Mik, I need you to tell me where you are," she spoke to me like I was a baby and I knew she was frustrated.

"My place, surprise this is mine," I slurred smiling up at her. "Aren't you proud?" I asked pointing to the shower. "That's mine too," I couldn't really see much but I hoped she was smiling. I pictured her smiling with her hands covering her eyes, the way she does when she wants to burst out laughing but feels like it's inappropriate. It's my favorite smile that she displays.

"Very nice, Mik. Now who the hell are all of these people?" She asked streaking my cheek.

"I took pills again. One for you and one for me. The way we did in New York City. I think it's wrong, it's all wrong," I tried to speak clear but I had to swallow my throw up every other word.

"Fuck," her hands left my face and I could see her figure stepping away. "Damn it Mikaela. Why would you do that?" She asked as I mumbled something, throwing up all down the front of my dress. "Shit," she rushed over getting me on my knees in front of the toilet. "Have you been drinking too?" She asked as she sat there patting my back for a while as I continued to throw up. I nodded when I got the chance.

"God what's going on here?" I heard Amandlas voice but all I could see was the insides of the toilet.

"Get out, now," Talia's voice was stern and the most aggressive I've ever heard it to be.

"Damn, Miki are you okay?" She asked reaching down to touch my shoulders. I nodded trying to look up at her but every time I moved I'd throw up a little more.

"Does she look okay to you? Tell me does THIS look okay to you? She's out here taking random ass drugs and drinking and there's not a single fucking person here that noticed that she was in fact NOT OKAY!!" Talia yelled as her hands gripped my hair up in a bun.

Talia- KING PRINCESS FANFIC (finished)Where stories live. Discover now