chapter 1

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"Will she ever come back ?" I ask my dad as tears rolled down my cheeks
"I'm sorry to say that sweetheart,I know it's hard for you, but she can't come back...she is in a better place now" my dad replied as he pulled me into a hug.


"Are we still far from home ?"I asked my dad, I wanted him to tell jokes s we could make this trip a little more funny "yes honey, I'm sorry but I can't really play with you right now I have to pay attention to the road."

It was the end of the Christmas holidays, we were heading home after a really big dinner with the whole family and I really enjoyed it.

It was midnight and it was snowing so it made the roads slippery.
I stopped questioning my dad and tried to count the cars as they passed next to us.

I was talking with my mom about the drawings I made for her and dad when I was with my cousins, when suddenly ...

"WATCH OUT"my momma screamed and a few seconds later a car drove into us hard and our car flipped 4 times and then crashed to the side of the road and into a ditch. I was crying,I was in pain. Everything happened so fast.

"HELP!Please someone help!" I was scared.I tried to undo my seatbelt but I didn't manage to. "Mom! Dad!please say something!" I screamed as I shake with fear. At this moment I felt anger because I couldn't do anything to help them.

I heard sirens and lights, people shouting. "Are you okay !?Get away from the window, I'm going to smash it so I can take you out!" he said loud enough for me to hear. He took a hammer and smash it against the window.

The cold hair immediately hit me, a man undid my seatbelt "Save my parents, I can't live without them, please" I said as I cry uncontrollably.
He took me out of the car and carried me to the ambulance,he stayed with me "don't worry, they are taking care of them, they are gonna be okay" he said trying to comfort me.

I watched them run to the front car and putting my mum and my dad out of it.

They layed them down and they start doing CPR on my mother. My dad came to consciousness,but he was still on the stretcher.

The paramedics asked him a lot of question but he didn't want to answer, he was so scared for his wife and his daughter I knew he just wanted us both to be okay.

"CLEAR" I heard a man say, they did the process 3 times again but my mom didn't respond to the shock." Please save her ! She has to be okay, you have to do everything to save her! Please! We can't live without her ! She has a family that we just started!we have a little girl to take care of!please do something!I need her in my life!She's the only person I love! She makes me feel precious, no one did this before her! You can't take her away from me! From us" He screamed.

They did it one last time and the next thing I heard shattered my heart. "I'm sorry... we did everything we could to save her but nothing worked... I'm sorry but your wife passed away..." I cried like I never did before.

They just announced my mother's death in front of me, this was the hardest thing to believe.

My mom is gone and I'll never be able to see her again.

I got out of the ambulance and ran into my dad's arms. He did everything he could to comfort me but I kept crying until strength left my body.
Ever since that day I can't close my eyes without thinking of what happened this night.

One week later it was her funeral. A lot of people came and everyone was extremely sad for a lot of reasons.

My grandpa and my grandma were sad because they were not gonna see their daughter, my dad who couldn't see his wife and control his emotions, my aunt and cousin : they couldn't laugh with her... and then, there was me... I just felt like a part of me was taken away, like someone ripped a part of my heart...

I watched them lower the casket where my mum was.
I would never be able to forget this terrible moment.

I couldn't watch, I hate seeing this I broke down, I dropped to the floor, sobbing, my dad was trying to stay strong but I knew he wanted to burst into tears.

I looked up and saw people throw soil on the coffin. It was too much for me I was only 4. I stood up and went next to the casket and put a flower : a rose, her favorite flower and mine too.

It was raining which made the day even more bad, I was drowning into a painful sorrow.

We went to a ceremony after that but my soul wasn't into it. More people came and they felt sorry for the events that took place a week ago.

But this is how it is, this is how life works. We can't expect what is going to happen.

We got home a few hours later. My dad looked furious and I didn't know why, maybe he was blaming himself for the accident, but I knew this was no one's fault exept the drunk driver that hit us this night. I turned and look at him to comfort him "you know daddy it was not your fault..." He stopped and glare at me " Yeah, you're right this was not my fault...but I can't stop blaming my self... he broke down, I went next to him and hugged him.

His eyes were usually filled with love and passion but today they were filled with saddness.

"It will be okay no matter what we're together and nothing can happen."

After dinner ,I went to bed and watched the stars and wondered if my mom could see me from heaven.

I cried more until darkness took over my entire body.

That was 2 years ago, i'm 6 now. I changed.

My dad and I were still sad.

That night, my whole life changed.

My soul had been buried with her.

Let Me Shine // Tessa BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now