chapter 14

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"Wake up Kayla, we just landed." I said excitedly.

She opened her eyes and rubbed them.

We took our suitcases and and got out of the airport,a driver was waiting for us with a sign, he greeted us and took our bags.

We followed him and got into the car, je talked the whole way with us, he was really nice. He gave us his card and said to call him if we needed to go somewhere.

When we arrived at Kayla's apartment, it was 5 am, so we went to sleep.

When be both woke up, we decided to go on a walk to explore the area.

"Are you ready to go ?" Kayla asked "our first walk in LA isn't that amazing ?" She said excitedly and I smile at her.

"I'm ready, but I have to go to team 10 at 2pm today."

"And I have to meet up with Tristan later today, at the same hour I think so we have to go."

I grabbed my vlog camera and filmed on the way while we talked, at the end we got coffee and we came back home.

I got ready and it was time to leave.

"Alright little girl, I have to go, I hope we'll see each other soon, I will call you."

"I hope you have a great time there. I point out to you that we have school together, so we'll see each other kinda everyday. And also I'm not a little girl !" She said smiling and I hugged her.

"I'm gonna miss you, see you on Monday !" I said waving.

I got out of her apartment and began to walk, I found the way easily and it wasn't a long walk, 10 minutes later I arrived. I went to the door and knocked on it and it opened almost right away.

"Oh hi ! You must be Tessa, I mean I'm sure that's you we don't expect someone else at the same hour !" He said chuckling and I smile at him. "I'm Jake Paul and welcome to the Team 10 house !" He said as he opened the door wider and lead me inside the house.

We came into the living room and I looked at the people who were standing all chatting and laughing with each other, as soon as they saw me they smiled at me.

"Hi, i'm Tessa !"

"You're the new t10 member is that right ?" A girl said smiling big " Finally a new girl here, I'm excited to get to know you !" She said and pulled me in a hug "I'm Erika."

"Well, these are the team 10 members."

They all pulled me in a hug and said their name and also the ones that weren't here today or often.

They were 10 : Erika, Kade, Nathan, Alex, Nick, Emilio, Ivan, Mailhin, Chad, Stan, and Aj, Lucas and Marcus. They were also Taytum and Oakley and their parents but they were not here often just like Lucas and Marcus,  and Stan, he didn't live in America.

"You'll like it here, I'm sure !" Jake said smiling.

"Well, thank you for making me feel so welcome here already." I said smiling back at him.

"I'm gonna show you you're room, and if you want we can go around Los Angeles." He said as he took my suitcases and walked upstairs.

We got upstairs and they were a lot of rooms.

"Here's your bedroom, you have your own bathroom. Do you want me to help you unpack your things ?" He asked but I declined his offer gently, I wanted to call my dad and his girlfriend, who was like a mom to me, and my friends telling them that I had arrived safely here.

I unpacked my suitcases while I talked to them on the phone and when I was done I went downstairs and everyone was still here.

"Do you want to explore the area ?" Chad asked me.

"Yeah sure, I did one yesterday bit I don't think I saw everything." I said giggling and with that we all left on a walk.

"So you're still going to school right ?" Alex asked looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm in 11th grade, i'm gonna go to Beverly Hills Highschool with my friends." I said.

"Really ?! That's where we're going too !" Aj exclaimed pointing at him and Alex.

"That's so cool ! We can go together in the morning !" Aj said.

"My girlfriend goes to the same high school. You are getting famous." Alex said

Wait, how many subscribers do you have?" Aj continued.

"100 000, it's a lot ! I love them so much !" I said thinking about all blog the thing they do for me.

"Yeah and you're only getting bigger, LA is a really great place to have opportunities." Nick said.

"I saw your dance videos and I can tell that you're amazing and that you love it !" Chad said.

"I'm agree, I dropped out of high school to come here with my brother, I grabbed a camera and I vlogged and look where I am now, I have 3 million subscribers and amazing fans !" He said smiling.

"And, what do you want to do later ?" I asked looking at them and they all replied different things like models, actors, singers, youtubers, influencers, working in business, a lot of things and they asked me the same question.

"I have to realize my dream, we'll see what Low Angeles gives to me." I said smiling.

"Then it will be great, you're struggling for a little bit, but then everything is settling." Emilio said.

"Buy we're here for you if you ever need something." His twin brother said after him.

"That's right, we are a family after all !" Erika said.

"We should all go to restaurant to celebrate that !" Jake said smiling.

"No, o really don't think this necessary, we can do it another day, this is a great offer but I have to refuse." I said but they didn't no as an answer.

"Come on, we're going and i'm paying" Jake said and we all went to a restaurant.

"This is where we go whenever we have birthdays or other celebrations." Nick said as we got in.

A waiter came towards us and took us to a table for 9.

We talked while we chose our orders and he came back to take them.

The food was delicious and o really enjoyed this day, I think that I made a great decisions and didn't declined this offer, I met amazing people.

"Wait, we have to post a new post for the team 10 page." Maihlin said as she took out her camera.

"Are you ready ?" She asked smiling big at me and I nodded my head.

"Smile !!!"

I hope you enjoy this chapter 💓
I love you

Let Me Shine // Tessa BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now