chapter 8

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I was laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling for a long time. I heard a knock on my door and a few seconds later my dad opened it.

"You have to get up and get ready, I know it's hard but it will be okay... " he said and I felt tears in my eyes. I sat up and saw that he was almost crying too. I got up and put my arms around him, he held me tight and I heard him sniffle.

"Come on, we have to leave in less than one hour." He said looking up at me, trying to smile but he failed. He got out of my room and I hopped in the shower, and I just thought about my mom. I got out, finished to get ready and came downstairs.

"What do you want for breakfast ?" My dad asked me and I shook my head. "You need to eat..." he continued

"I know but I just don't want, I just want to sleep all this week, it's gonna be so hard to go back to school tomorrow morning, I won't be able and... I don't wanna eat" I sighed.

"Teachers will understand, don't worry and you have amazing friends they will be here for you this week, they can come home after school if you want."

"As much as I love them I don't want to see them. Why is it so hard now ? It wasn't like this before... I said as tears threatened to roll down my cheeks. My dad pulled me into a hug.

"It will be okay" he whispered he said and kissed my forehead. We out our shoes on and left to go to the church.

We arrived 15 minutes later, my grandparents were here along my aunts and cousins, my dad talked with them but I didn't say anything. We all went into the church and sat down.

"Hello everyone, as you all know we are gathered here today for Mrs. Brooks." The priest said and I lowered my head, and squeezed my eyes shut.

I didn't want to hear what people were saying, I didn't want to be here, it was too hard. I tried my best to think about everything but the ceremony that was happening and soon enough I was in my world.

It had been 10 years since my mom died and I knew it would take me a couple of days to be over it.

The ceremony ended and we went to the celebratory my dad to go to my mom's grave.

When we entered, I started to get small flashbacks of the accident and the funeral. My dad held my hand just like 10 years ago.

My dad was crying silently, we were both holding roses in our hands. The rest of the family already went to her grave, but my dad and I didn't want to go with them, we wanted to be alone, just us two.

We laid the flowers on the rock and my dad looked at me.

"Do you want to begin ?" He asked.

"No, I will go after you" I said and he nodded his head. He kneeled in front of the grave and he began.

"Hi, you know this is just me. I don't know how to say this or how to begin, I've always been bad at talking like that. I miss you so much, it's a bit better each day, but you're not here by my side, it's been 10 years since the accident, and I can tell you that I blame myself for this, any of this would have happened if I was paying more attention to the road... I love you so much and I miss you everyday.
I met someone one day at a café, she is great, it was one year ago... she's just like you, she is caring, she's like your twin you two have the same personality and..."

He couldn't finish his speech, he broke down and I hugged him tight. My heart shattered into a million peace when I heard him cry. He had been strong fore for a long time, so I had to return the favor, I had to be strong for him too, just like he was for me. We stopped hugging and I began to talk.

"Hi mom, it's me Tessa. I just want you to know that I miss you so much, I love you and it hurts to not see you in the morning or in general.
I made amazing friends in primary school and since then we are for each other not matter what, they are amazing.
I also met a guy, his name is Noah it's almost been one year since we've start dating, he is amazing I'm sure you'll like him. We won the nationals together, with our duet and I had an amazing moment, I discovered was a passion was. I just wish you were still here to meet him.
I remember when you said that I was your star so now I want to shine for you. Thanks for everything.
I can't forget you, you'll be forever in my heart, it's hard everyday, at first I couldn't close my eyes without seeing you and whenever someone bring you up, it's too hard for me, I just want to be in your arms one time, I want to hug you one last time and you'll whisper in my ear that everything is gonna be fine no matter what, I want you to comfort me, no offense to dad but I want you to do all of this one time." I try to stay strong, I held back my tears but they still escaped.

"Let it out " my dad whispered and I burst out sobbing he pull to his chest and I just continued to cry.

"I just want you to come back one more day and do all of the things we didn't get to do together, but it won't happen because you're gone forever !!! I miss you and nobody can do something, I love you and you'll always be a part of me, you own a place in my heart " I said crying.

We cried into each others arms for a good hour in the rain but we didn't care. It had been a sad day and nothing could bring our mood up.

We got up and came back homewith an umbrella above our heads.

Well this is a sad chapter I hope you enjoyed it.✨💕✨💕✨💕✨

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