chapter 3

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"Did your pack your things ? Do you have everything ?" My dad asked for the millionth time this morning.

"Yes, we already checked at least 10 times." I replied.

"You remember I can't come with you to the competition this weekend"

This was the first time he would miss a competition.

He became busy with his work and he couldn't do a lot of things with me anymore,at first I was sad but I understood.

"But Demi will be there and you have Bryana, i'm sure you're gonna have fun."

Demi was my nanny, I loved her the second she entered the house, we always had fun together. She took care of me after school,on wednesdays, and sometimes in the week-end. He hired her when he realized that he was always late to come get me after school, that he had too many things to do. He came to get me from school and brought me to his work, and we came back near 10pm.

Bryana was my best friend, she was new in school, she had no friends so I went to her, and we got to know everything about each other, just like Tristan, Kai and Kayla did the first day, and that's how we became best friend. She loved to dance too and she was in the same club as me.

2 hours later

The song for the group dance was marry you by Bruno Mars, so we were all ready,we were all dressed in white dresses with flowers in our hands.
We did our dance and came back to the room where we were dressing ourselves and I had to change because I was doing a solo.

We came back upstairs and I was waiting for my turn, I was nervous  because they were all great dancers and I was not as great as them.

"Don't stress, you will be amazing,nobody can dance better than you" Bry said as she pulled me into a hug. "Now go on stage and enjoy yourself" she said smiling at me.

After my dance I felt really great,I always do my best, I felt happy like nothing could bring me down.

We got the results and I didn't get place but I was still happy that I got to share my dance to the people.
We got place with the group dance, we were in 3rd place. I smiled as I search for my dad in the audience like I do every time at a competition but my smile faded away as I remember that he didn't come today.

When it was finished I ran into demi's arms, and she hugged me.

"Did you film it ?" I asked feeling a bit sad.

"Of course, he'll be proud of you. I'm sorry you didn't get place but there is still another time " she said smiling.

When we came home it was 9pm and my dad was still at work. We made dinner and demi made me go to bed.

"You have to show him the video when he comes back." I said as I got into bed.

"Don't worry about it, I sent it to him."

"Did he see it ?" She shook her no.

"I don't think so, but he has a tone of things to do that's the reason."

"Do you think he'll make time for me ?" I asked her ?

"He will always find some time for you, even if it's one hour in the day he will spend it with you, he's just busy right now but when everything will be organized again he'ok have more time for you and for himself." I stayed quiet.

"He can't replace you by his work, he would chose you over everything he loves you too much to do that, if this what you're thinking" she smiled.

She put the blanket on me and stood up.

"Now you have to sleep it's late. Goodnight." She said as she closed the door.

Tears rolled down my cheeks.  I was upset that I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my dad, we were always going out, his work took a lot of his time and I missed him.

I got up and went next to the window. I watch the stars, that's what I would do every time I was upset. They were shining this night, and they comforted me.

I missed my mom and I know that she missed him too, unfortunately I can't do something about it : I have to get used to it.

She always said that I was her little star in the night. So I'll do everything I can to make her proud, and I'll try everything I have to do to shine just like the stars.

I smile at the thought of shining, but I know I can do it, I have amazing friends to help me do that, they will make sure that nothing comes between us, we can shine together. I want to keep them for the rest of my life and I know that we can do that too.

I went to bed and thought about the futur, I don't know what will happen but I have to be happy and stay positive.

Let Me Shine // Tessa BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now