chapter 4

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"TESSA !!!COME HERE, TRISTAN IS HERE !!!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

I grabbed my bag and came downstairs.

"Good morning Tessles" He said as he hugged me.

"Come on you have to hurry up, you guys are gonna be late, you have to walk during 25 minutes." my dad said as he pushed us out of the house.

"You know it's not gonna kill us, we've been doing that for 2 years now."

Tristan was living 5 minutes away from me so he would ring at my door and we would walk to school together.

I saw him one morning,walking, so I ran to him and now that's our ritual since 5th grade, and now we were in 8th grade.

"That's not a reason you guys are gonna be late and I don't want that, so have a good day. " he said said quickly and closed the door.

" speaking about being late, i'm gonna come home later tonight we have to work on project with Bry, Tristan, Kai and Kayla, we're going to the library." I said.

"No problem, that's perfect for me" I heard him through the door.

"Oh okay I wasn't expecting this." I said

"What is happening to him ? Did he ate something weird ?" Tristan asked amused by his behaviour.

"I have no ideas" I said laughing.

"He seemed pretty excited" he said as we begun to walk.

"He's been acting this way since 2 weeks now, I wonder if he's hiding something from me"

"We can spy on him if you want to know something, i'm the best for that you know."

"That's a really bad idea Tristan" I said laughing. "I mean he has right to hide things from me don't you think, I'm hiding things from him too" I said smiling.

"Like the fact that you like Noah ?" He said looking at me, rising his eyebrows
I didn't reply to him.

"Cat your tongue huh ?" He said smirking at me.

"No I don't like him" I said.

"Talking about him how's your duet going ?"

"Honestly I don't know how it will turn out, nationals are in 2 months, maybe we have a lot of time to be trained but I'm nervous." I said to him.

I have feelings for Noah but I refused to admit it to my friends, I don't know how to handle them.

"It's still kinda awkward between us, and I don't know how to be comfortable around a guy" I continued.

"Well you're comfortable around Kai and I. You just have to be yourself." he said

" I know but this is different, we have known each other for 7 years, plus we are best friends"

" I guess I will have to talk to him"

"I swear if you talk to him about anything I said, I'm gonna kill you in your sleep"I threatened but not in a serious way.

" Oh yeah that's right I'm really scared of you Tessa !"

"I just have to sleep with my eyes wide open" he replied laughing.

We arrived in school 20 minutes later.

"Well see you at lunch break I have to go to my class. I walked next to my locker and waited for Kayla and Bry, when they saw me they waved at me and smiled. They were also walking to school together since they lived in the same neighborhood.

Let Me Shine // Tessa BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now